IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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CEOs step up to take direct action on women in top jobs
Members of the Business Council of Australia will be at the forefront of boosting the numbers of female CEOs and CFOs in the ASX top 200 under an initiative launched at the BCA’s ...
$40m growth capital for innovative start-ups
Australian innovators now have access to an extra $40 million in venture capital funding, with the establishment of new fund manager OneVentures.
Employers urge limits on unfunded award wage rises
The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) will support conditional increases of between $10.50 and $12.50 per week to award wages in the Annual Minimum Wage Review.
Recycled AC cuts emissions
New Curtin University of Technology research has shown that it may be possible for business to save the environment and money at the same time by remanufacturing compressors for ...
Internet service providers: The need for speed
More than 85% of the Australian population uses the internet daily. Growth in subscriber numbers and data downloads has delivered average revenue growth over the past decade of 13.3% ...
New design helps phone power
Cell phones and laptop computers that run for longer between charges may be one outcome of research at Waikato University.
ACCI research promotes higher apprenticeship retention
Australia needs to stem the flow of apprentices not completing their apprenticeships if we are to meet future skills needs, according to research currently being conducted by the ...
Recognition for AUS's supercomputer debuggers
Researchers from Monash University's eScience and Grid Engineering Lab are attracting international attention and funding for their unique expertise in debugging supercomputer software. ...
Securing AUS’s next decade of prosperity
In a recent speech to the Australia–Israel Chamber of Commerce, BCA President Graham Bradley outlined the priorities for Australia to meet its complex mix of long-term challenges, ...
Students find 'lost' office gear with tiny sensors
Miniature sensors being developed by CSIRO promise to provide the answers to questions which seem to arise regularly in modern office workplaces like: "Where's my pen?" and; "Who ...
Benefits of making your business look good to society
If you want to turn a profit, you've got to win over the approval of society. Bad business behaviour or unethical practices promote a questionable reputation and puts a definitive ...
Project management: How to deliver bad news
Bad news and project management seem to go hand in hand. No matter how well you plan, how detailed your documentation, how dedicated your team, there may still be problems. But there ...
Understanding the relationship between business & ethics
The relationship between business and ethics is intrinsically entwined. A successful company is one which can effectively recognise and cultivate the relationship which exists between ...
Project management: Tips for conflict resolution
Every individual is unique. Because of differing personalities, opinions, or points of view, conflict between human beings is virtually inevitable. As a project manager, you should ...
Comments sought on $52m research collaboration program
The Rudd Labor Government has released a discussion paper on the Collaborative Research Networks (CRN) program – the first of its kind in Australia – which will provide $52 million, ...
How to be a manager that gets things done
A manager gets things done via his or her people: by managing and leading them well, through the use of technical, human, and conceptual skills. In essence, he needs to perform the ...
Industry calls for 'quality not quantity' in OHS regulation
A draft report released this week by the Productivity Commission on the regulatory burdens created by differences in Australian occupational health and safety (OHS) systems, strongly ...
TV entrepreneurs don't reflect real life, says survey
Does Dragons' Den, Alan Sugar, Richard Branson and the way other celebrity entrepreneurs are depicted by the media show what it's really like to start up and run businesses?
Flexible work helps blood pressure, sleep, mental health
There is evidence to suggest that flexible working might be beneficial for employees' health if they are allowed to have input into their own working patterns, a review by Cochrane ...
Recovery requires balance, commitment & leadership
The 2010 federal Budget must set Australia's economy on course to continue its run of economic growth over the coming decade, BCA President Graham Bradley says.
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