Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Consumer behaviour in wine selection a complex science
The average consumer takes only forty seconds to pick a bottle of wine off the shelf. But what goes into making that decision?
Lactose-free dairy niche targets the mainstream
Global launch numbers for lactose-free dairy products more than tripled in the five-year period to the beginning of 2012, according to Innova Market Insights, with their share of ...
How the carbon tax works
Carbon pricing is essentially about ensuring the economy can grow without emissions growing at the same time.
Coal boom vulnerable to China slowdown
On the face of it, the outlook is upbeat. An employment graph heading in the right direction. GDP profit up. The Australian dollar reaching for parity with its US counterpart - that ...
Aussie food processor develops 'world first' breakfast cereal
Curtin University food science and technology researchers have teamed up with a local WA manufacturer to produce the world’s first high lupin content breakfast cereal.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Mass meat production "wreaking environmental havoc"
Flinders University animal studies expert Dr Nik Taylor is calling for a global reduction in meat production and consumption, warning that the deeply ingrained meat-eating habits of ...
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Indulgence, health polarise sweet biscuit market
Within the sweet biscuit market there are two opposing forces at work globally, according to Innova Market Insights.
Manufacturers to suffer as sluggish retail sales continue
Retail spending is expected to be moderate over the next quarter, following a sluggish start to 2012, putting further pressure on Australian retailers and manufacturers, according ...
Sauces, dressings becoming healthier and spicier
New product activity is heating up in the large and diverse prepared sauces market, which covers a wide range of different product types, including pasta sauces, cooking sauces, ...
A looming chocolate crisis?
A chocolate supply crisis may be looming says Professor David Guest, from the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment at the University of Sydney.
Digester technology cleans up after pigs
Australian science is helping to solve one of China’s biggest and smelliest problems – what to do with the waste produced by its 700 million pigs.
Australia needs a management skills upgrade
Innovation capability is the key to Australia's future success in manufacturing and other sectors, according to Professor Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School and Andrew Liveris, ...
Material testing market bounces back
The sector is much healthier, but heavyweight vendor dominance restricts opportunities for smaller companies.
Challenging questions as the 'Asian Century' begins
Asia's boom economies, led by China and India, must overcome a series of complex challenges to guarantee the region's long-term prosperity, according to Asian Development Bank ...
Simplicity please - food labelling attacked again
Australians are only likely to make informed, healthy choices about buying packaged foods if a clear and simple, interpretive front-of-pack labelling system is introduced.
Industrial waste can power desalination, scientists claim
Victoria University scientists have shown the viability of a new desalination technology that uses almost no electricity and has the potential to save huge amounts of water.
Allergy-free eggs, five to ten years away
The days of nervous parents being concerned about their anaphylactic children consuming egg-white may soon be over, thanks to some ground-breaking research being undertaken by Deakin ...
Clean-label and gluten-free prominent in savoury snacks
Despite ongoing economic difficulties, new product activity in the global snack foods industry appears to be continuing unabated, with launch numbers recorded by Innova Market Insights ...
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