Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Flying robots go where others fear to tread
A flying robot as small as a dinner plate that can zoom to hard-to-reach places and a fleet of eco-friendly robotic farm-hands are just two projects in the works at QUT.
Women put up with more bad behaviour at work: study
Edith Cowan University (ECU) research has found women are treated with more workplace incivility and respond by working harder.
Forklift simulator could reduce injuries, deaths
A three-dimensional forklift trainer recently developed in the United States could provide companies with a realistic, yet safe way to train employees who operate forklifts.
Handle with care: technology can save money and your back
It has been estimated that four out of every five Australian adults will experience significant lower back pain in their lifetime, with many of the problems due to workplace-related ...
Personality a clue to 'wind turbine syndrome'
Public concern about new technology infrastructure like mobile phone masts has been shown to trigger reports of ill health, and recently even the new 'green' technology of wind ...
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
Digging the dirt on illegal mining
Griffith University researcher Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh will lead an investigation into illegal mining on mineral-rich Bougainville Island, starting in June.
Construction industry safety training now a computer game
A computer game offering safety training on virtual building sites shows the future of learning.
Microscopic pollutant causing surge in heart deaths
Exposure to higher levels of fine particulates — the airborne pollution that is an emerging problem in many Asian cities — causes a sharp rise in deaths from heart attacks.
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
Bottle light design to improve road safety
An invention by a University of South Australia lecturer is set to make cycling safer for all recreational riders.
Befriending the ownerless workplace fridge
A concerted effort to make sure school lunches are kept out of the temperature danger zone and the workplace fridge is food-ready make excellent starts to a hopefully food poisoning ...
Global tech giants invest in talking cars technology
Adelaide 'car-to-car' communications technology company Cohda Wireless has attracted a substantial, undisclosed investment deal from global networking equipment firm Cisco Systems ...
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
Industries to fly and fall in 2013
As Australian companies prepare for the New Year ahead, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the five industries expected to soar and the five expected to sink in 2013. ...
Research strengthens textile industry
Victoria University research is helping Australia's textile industry remain competitive through innovative water technology.
Our plastics will pollute oceans for hundreds of years
Australia’s plastic garbage has made its way into every ocean in the world. New research shows that it doesn’t matter where in the world plastic garbage enters the ocean, it can end ...
Mental health of miners in research spotlight
An internationally-respected mental health researcher at the University of Newcastle will lead an important new project into the extent and impact of mental health problems in the ...
FIFO workers: companies don't care
Preliminary findings from two fly-in fly-out (FIFO) studies reveal partner dissatisfaction and a distinct perception among workers that companies don’t care about their wellbeing.
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