Automation & Control Feature Articles

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BMW and Toyota in long-term research collaboration
BMW Group (BMW) and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) concerning a mid-to-long-term collaboration on next-generation environment-friendly ...
Bearing lubrication: reliable operation of modern plant and machinery
The performance of modern plant and machinery depends on the reliability of rolling bearings.
Identifying and correcting the causes of bearing failure
Identifying and analysing the root cause of a bearing failure is critical in order to prevent similar failures from occurring again.
New spark plug extends industrial engine service life
A new industrial spark plug, compatible with alternative fuels, is said to provide the power generation sector with extended life in industrial gas engines.
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
Modular instruments lower cost of testing complex products
A change of strategy enables engineers to customise their approach for testing smaller, faster products.
Additive manufacturing emerges into mainstream
Additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, is the process of fusing layers of materials together, and is being talked about as a "game-changer" for manufacturing in the future.
Ground engaging tool monitoring could save billions
AN Austrian and Australian partnership has developed a system that is said to address a billion dollar mining industry challenge.
Engineers make hydrophobic interaction discovery
A new equation developed by University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) chemical engineers solves the mystery of forces between water-repelling and water-attracting molecules ...
High efficiency aircon system to go global
An Australian air-conditioning system that can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in commercial and industrial buildings by up to 85 per cent will soon be given ...
Engineers build world first "running" robot
It's not quick enough to win a City to Surf, but a US-built robot that can run like a person, could soon perform duties where humans fear to tread.
Extending service life of miniature ball bearings increases profits
Miniature ball bearings are used in dental technology, where they must meet extremely high demands such as high speeds, extraordinary loads, and extreme peak temperatures inside the ...
GRW testing yields breakthroughs in lubrication for longer life
As Europe’s largest manufacturer of miniature and small ball bearings, GRW has recently completed detailed testing and the optimal use of lubricants for miniature and small ball ...
Autonomous robots taught to think like us
A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT in the United States allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.
Aussie know-how brings x-ray vision a step closer
While military and search-and-rescue teams have long wished for x-ray vision, the imaging systems work of Professor Abdesselam Bouzerdoum from the University of Wollongong is bringing ...
Australian manufacturing at a crossroads
The government says Australia is recreating itself, and building a new economy on a new type of manufacturing. Industry sees it differently.
Smart automation solves skills shortages
As the debate around Australia’s skills shortage rumbles on, industry is looking to technology as a way to beat the problem.
Automated robotic systems making mining safer
A delegation University of Sydney staff is visiting Latin America to strengthen the university's research partnerships, and robots for the mining sector are on the agenda.
ZigBee Alliance launches tenth standard: ZigBee Gateway
A new standard aims to deliver the benefits of ZigBee technology via the Internet.
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
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