Test & Measurement Feature Articles

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Aust research supercomputer ranked one of world's most powerful
A new supercomputer at Australian National University has been ranked the world's 24th most powerful in the world and the most powerful in Australia.
Putting the 'squeeze' on quantum light
An international team of physicists has pushed the boundaries on ultra-precise measurement by harnessing the unusual properties of quantum light waves in a new way.
Steel surface allows liquids to boil without bubbling
Explosions caused by boiling liquid could be reduced by suppressing the liquid from bubbling, according to a new University of Melbourne study.
Taking a quantum leap in future computing
Scientists have taken a quantum leap forward towards future computing after discovering that 'background interference' in quantum-level measurements, may be the very thing they need ...
Electron microscopy paves pathways for electronics manufacturing
A new high-tech method for imaging the electric fields of atoms could lead to advances in areas as diverse as data storage, solar cells and batteries.
Portable device detects petroleum contamination in soil
Ziltek Pty Ltd and CSIRO recently announced the commercialisation of a new hand-held device for the rapid in-field analysis of petroleum contamination in soil.
Research bid to improve methane measurement
Researchers at RMIT University are part of a team receiving $840,000 from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to develop selective membranes designed to improve ...
New type of biosensor is fast, super-sensitive
A whole new class of biosensor that can detect exceptionally small traces of contaminants in liquids in just 40 minutes has been developed by a UNSW-led team of researchers.
Is it a phone? No it's a laser measurement device
Pioneering new miniature laser technology which could revolutionise a future generation of mobile phones has been developed by a manufacturing business in the United Kingdom.
Ultra-small laser opens up world of possibilities
Computing and medicine are among the many fields which could be revolutionised by a new form of ultra-small laser.
Material testing market bounces back
The sector is much healthier, but heavyweight vendor dominance restricts opportunities for smaller companies.
Imaging system lets camera peer around corners
A new imaging system could use opaque walls, doors or floors as 'mirrors' to gather information about scenes outside its line of sight.
New way to measure nitrous oxide emissions
An accurate new way to measure a potent greenhouse gas emitted during agricultural production will help countries to better manage their environmental impact, thanks to Queensland ...
A new spin in diamonds for quantum technologies
An Australian university has teamed up with its counterparts in Germany to research the potential of diamonds in quantum information devices and electrical and magnetic sensors.
Permanent monitoring: the fastest way to reduce leakage
The town of Eislingen in Southern Germany has practiced Active Leakage Control for many years with a team of two equipped with a ground microphone and correlator who drive around in ...
Operational efficiencies from permanent leakage monitoring
Albdtadt is a town located in southwest Germany, about 80km south of Stuttgart. Alstadtwerke are the utility network distribution provider in this region supplying potable water, ...
Materials and miniaturisation drive sensor market over next decade
Advances in sensor technology will improve the performance, reliability, longevity and cost of devices, claims analyst.
Scientists find way to form random molecular patterns
Scientists at The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom have discovered a way to control how tiny flat molecules fit together in a seemingly random pattern.
To destroy or not, virtual material testing finds better way
Before computer modelling there was only one way to discover the limits of a metal alloy, or any other material – test it until it’s destroyed, but all that’s about to change.
Major advance in water contaminant testing
Contaminant testing in water can now be performed in a much safer, more efficient and environmental-friendly way, thanks to an award-winning innovation in the laboratory.
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