Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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The trouble with aluminium
The Australian aluminium industry is in the doldrums. A high dollar, low prices and Asian competition are threatening the industry, with older plants in New South Wales and Victoria ...
Industrial designers riding innovation to the hilt
Two Queensland University of Technology (QUT) industrial design lecturers and entrepreneurs have designed and built a number of motorcycles so refined they have attracted the interest ...
Australia a leader in sustainable technology: expert
Australia is a world leader in developing clean, more sustainable resources and technologies to prevent pollution, the managing director of CRC CARE, professor Ravi Naidu said recently. ...
Teaming up on titanium: Australia joins forces with US
US Energy Department Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with CSIRO to explore ways to improve efficiency for powders used ...
Scientists develop better technique for self-cleaning fabrics
A new coating technique that can make fabrics 'self-cleaning' has been developed by Deakin University scientists.
Time for government to pick a renewable energy winner
OPINION: Let’s start with a question: why has Denmark been so successful in renewable energy creation and uptake?
Research 'promising' for fuel cell advances
Researchers from New York University and the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart reveal how protons move in phosphoric acid in a Nature Chemistry study that sheds new light on the ...
To infinity and beyond - supercomputers take huge leap
A tiny crystal that enables a computer to perform calculations that currently stump the world's most powerful supercomputers has been developed by an international team including ...
Waterjet milling: transforming complex structure manufacturing
A high-tech, precision, water jet milling control system which could transform the manufacture of complex structures is being developed by a team of engineers led by The University ...
Partnership to bring insect silk to industrial mainstream
A partnership to develop products using insect silk will explore a range of industrial applications, with the aviation and marine industries in particular taking notice.
'Smart sand' could spontaneously duplicate broken parts
New algorithms could enable heaps of 'smart sand' that can assume any shape, allowing spontaneous formation of new tools or duplication of broken mechanical parts.
Ultra-small laser opens up world of possibilities
Computing and medicine are among the many fields which could be revolutionised by a new form of ultra-small laser.
Material testing market bounces back
The sector is much healthier, but heavyweight vendor dominance restricts opportunities for smaller companies.
Expert calls for more timber in city building construction
Fairytales suggest building a house out of wood can be a risky business, but according to the head of UniSA’s Zero Waste Research Centre – Professor Steffen Lehmann - the three little ...
New power source discovered
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and RMIT University have made a breakthrough in energy storage and power generation.
China at the heart of Alcoa's woes: expert claims
Writing in The Conversation, Swinburne Professor of Engineering Mathematics Geoff Brooks claims the metallurgical industry is under real threat, not from angry environmentalists, ...
Future advanced steels for the automotive industry
Motorists of the future can look forward to safer vehicles which leave a smaller carbon footprint thanks to pioneering research being carried out in UOW’s Faculty of Engineering.
US Navy taps into Australian biofuel capabilities
Biofuel technology being developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers has caught the interest of the US Navy, which is currently in Australia on an alternative ...
Scorpions inspire scientists to make tougher machinery
Wear and tear on moving machinery parts requires regular maintenance and comes at a considerable cost. However new US research is taking lessons from one of nature's born survivors ...
Which industries will fly and fall in 2012?
As Australian operators prepare for the year ahead, business information research firm IBISWorld reveals its annual list nominating the top industries set to soar in 2012, and those ...
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