Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Shining light on white wine spoilage
A new study has found that darker and heavier bottles can protect the quality of white wine.
Consumers 'taking a big bite out of the Earth'
Every day, the average consumer 'eats' 4.1 litres of diesel fuel, 29 kilos of soil and 2.2 tonnes of fresh water — in the form of food.
Australia must 'bank' its water: study
Australia should prepare now for dry times ahead by 'banking' its water underground when rainfall is plentiful, according to an important new scientific study.
Education is key to animal welfare in live exports: researcher
A Charles Sturt University (CSU) academic believes there have been improvements in the welfare of animals involved in live sheep and cattle exports in Indonesia.
Confectionery industry driven by 'clean labelling'
The rising level of interest in naturalness in the food and drinks market as a whole has been making a growing impression in the confectionery sector, driving the move to 'clean ...
Journalists, pollies and unions top list of least trustworthy
The media, trade unions and political parties top the list of institutions the public perceives to be the most corrupt and in which they have the least confidence, while 43 per cent ...
Asian Century plan 'visionary' but more needed
The Director of the Griffith Asia Institute has welcomed a "visionary" White Paper on ‘Australia in the Asian Century’, but also sought clarity on the funding commitments required ...
Destructive pea weevils on the way out
Farmers around the world are a step closer to eliminating the chemical spraying of field peas for the destructive pea weevil, thanks to research by agricultural scientists from The ...
Australia in Asia 'for good times and bad'
Flinders academic and editor of Asian Studies Review, Dr Michael Barr, has welcomed the Henry Report on Australia in the Asian Century, but with a message of caution.
New enzyme produces more fuel from corn
A Danish industrial enzymes maker, Novozymes, recently launched an enzyme it said produces more ethanol from corn — addressing concern growth in biofuels has come at the expense of ...
Political common ground: rural sector's future lies in Asia
If there's one thing Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott agree on it's that Australia's future — and that of its rural sector — lies in Asia.
Funding cuts will derail Australia's research competitiveness
Cuts to University research funding, announced by the Federal Government will impact on Australia’s research competitiveness and ability to help the community address major social ...
Brain food: the link between chocolate and Nobel Prizes
The more chocolate people in a country eat, the more Nobel Prize winners the country produces per capita, according to a note published in the prestigious <i>New England Journal of ...
Bottled beverage sales expected to grow despite call for bans
Health experts across the United States and Australia have highlighted soft drinks as one of the culprits for their places as the first and second ranking countries respectively in ...
Nutritionally enhanced fruits yielding benefits for agriculture
Researchers from Queensland have recently completed a study on several current commercial and trial varieties to evaluate and compare phytochemical content and antioxidant capacities. ...
Turning farm waste into energy
The University of Nottingham in the UK is helping a small local business develop a unique technique for converting waste products from farms into energy.
Meat snacks: a US favourite going global?
The US salty snacks market is the largest and one of the most diverse in the world, encompassing some products that may not be included in the bagged snacks category in other countries ...
'Healthy' and 'natural' lead soft drink launches
New product activity in soft drinks appears to be accelerating strongly again, with rising levels of global launch activity recorded by Innova Market Insights over the past two years ...
Researchers identify salt-tolerant chickpea
Researchers at The University of Western Australia — in collaboration with research partners overseas — have identified which lines of chickpea grow better in moderately salty soil. ...
Planting the seed: trees can help beat food crisis
As human populations soar and agricultural resources dwindle, trees – through their interactions with people and the environment – provide important answers for the emerging food ...
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