Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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National push for more urban green space starts in Sydney
New projects at UTS and in the Ultimo precinct are showcased among some of Australia's most inspiring examples of future green space by a new national initiative launched in Sydney. ...
'kNOw asbestos' to educate DIY renovators
Home renovators are being encouraged to extend their DIY skills and take a free online course to help them identify and safely handle asbestos.
NTC releases proposal for 2014 heavy vehicle charges
The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released a range of options for heavy vehicle charges to apply from 1 July 2014, for public consultation.
Australia's 'at risk' job loss regions revealed
New research released recently identifies the communities across Australia that are the most vulnerable to job losses as a result of the worsening economic conditions in Australia.
Road Safety Remuneration System under independent review
The operation of the Road Safety Remuneration System will be examined under an independent review of safety in the road transport industry, as promised in the coalition's policy to ...
Non-conforming products 'widespread' across construction sector
A new survey has revealed major product line discrepancies within building and construction companies.
Paper overtakes woodchips as Australia's major wood product export
The latest issue of Australian forest and wood products statistics, released Wednesday (November 20) by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences ...
ACA eager to implement proposed infrastructure costs inquiry
The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has welcomed the recent announcement by the federal government of a Productivity Commission inquiry into infrastructure costs.
More tolls and charges can provide 'virtuous cycle' for infrastructure
More road tolls and direct user charges may be a feature of existing and future infrastructure developments according to industry leaders.
Slip resistance tests important with introduction of new standards
Ensuring that floor workspace and general traffic areas comply with the recent changes in Safety Standards is now more important than ever before.
Re-establishing Aust Building and Construction Commission 'essential'
The Housing Industry Association (HIA) has welcomed the introduction into Parliament of the Building and Construction Industry (Improving Productivity) Bill 2013.
Gas producers working with manufacturers 'could' be win-win
Australia's gas market could be made more efficient with input from the competition watchdog and with sensible regulation from the government, according to the Plastics & Chemicals ...
Carbon tax must go: industry
Groups representing small, medium and large businesses across all sectors are calling on the parliament to avoid costly delay in the repeal of the carbon tax.
Tax, industrial relations reforms will optimise prosperity: report
A National Productivity Policy (NPP) to review government regulation, pricing and licensing arrangements and phase out industry subsidies must be established, according to the ...
Research into workplace LLN levels reveals "disturbing" picture
New research into levels of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) in the workplace has revealed a "disturbing" picture, Innes Willox, AiGroup chief executive has said in a recent ...
Manufacturing reaches for recovery in October: Australian PMI
The manufacturing sector reached for recovery in October with the latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ...
'Swift end' needed for carbon tax, housing industry urges
Federal parliament needs to give swift passage to the bill to repeal the carbon tax when it sits in November, the Housing Industry Association (HIA) has urged in a recent statement. ...
Mining construction work decline to weigh on major project activity
With mining-related construction investment easing from peak levels, Australia's leading construction firms are anticipating the value of total construction activity will fall in ...
Turnaround in demand for skilled labour, says HIA
The demand for skilled labour in Australia's residential construction industry increased in the September 2013 quarter, said the Housing Industry Association, the voice of Australia's ...
Construction bottom line: 'prepare for change' in place and work
The real bottom line of an industry forecast is the outlook for its people.
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