Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Why automation alone is not enough to safeguard your plant
A truly safe plant requires the right mix of standard and safe automation, teamed with process control equipment with built-in safety features.
Dangerous machinery "biggest" farm safety concern
More than 460 farms are now safer in Victoria, following a 12-month campaign by WorkSafe inspectors to help identify and eradicate the most common causes of injuries and fatalities ...
Australia's big broadband 'app-ortunity'
Alarms which send you mobile alerts warning of smoke detected in your building are just one of the potential applications available over next generation broadband networks, according ...
'Worryingly low' number of firms with buy-local policies in place
The Australian Made Campaign is calling on businesses to revisit their procurement policies after research released recently revealed just 20 per cent of Australian companies have ...
Aust's international cost competitiveness 'still slipping'
Australia's rank on the latest Global Competitiveness Report 2013-14 highlights the "further slippage in Australia's international cost competitiveness", Innes Willox, AiGroup's ...
Research reveals consumers care about buying local
New research from Roy Morgan, commissioned by the Australian Made Campaign, has revealed buying Australian-made products has become more important to Australian consumers.
Govt's electrical licensing regime 'compromises safety'
Master Electricians Australia has slammed the federal government for a sham consultation with industry, saying the flawed national licensing regime for electrical contractors seemed ...
Aussie Work, Aussie Rights campaign aims to protect 457 workers
The exploitation of foreign workers in Australia and the need to make sure that our kids receive the skills and training they require for the jobs of today and tomorrow is back on ...
Get your facts straight: ABC website to investigate contentious claims
Australia is about to get its facts straight – that's the message from the team behind the ABC's newly launched Fact Check website and accompanying platforms including television, ...
Govt 'ignored' insulation program safety concerns: MEA
Master Electricians Australia has welcomed the coalition's promise to establish a full judicial inquiry into the federal government's Home Insulation Program (HIP), if the party were ...
Strong workers' unions, good HR policy build stronger GDP
Countries where workers are protected by strong unions and good work and safety policies that acknowledge the importance of psychologically safe work environments have a higher GDP. ...
How to avoid economic bubbles and crashes
By using methods developed to study the interactions of particles and applying them to economics, researchers at the University of Sydney have shown that small changes can create a ...
To stay or not to stay – that is the employee question
What makes employees leave or stay in organisations and how organisations can improve employee retention is the focus of a public lecture being held at the University of South ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2013-14
As Australian companies begin the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to soar and sink in 2013-14.
Miners warned over exhaust fume dangers
The federal government has been warned not enough is being done to protect miners from exposure to potentially dangerous levels of exhaust fumes.
What rights do 'sweatshop' workers have?
It’s been a month since the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh, resulting in the deaths of 1100 garment workers.
'Stupid and absurd', experts debate new draft height safety standard
Between 2003 and 2010, there were 204 reported workplace deaths as a result of falls, yet height safety experts are divided on the adequacy of the new draft Standard, with some ...
Stress costs businesses more than $10bn per year
Safe Work Australia has released its first report on work-related mental stress and its associated costs based on an analysis of Australian workers’ compensation claims data from ...
Queensland trials new level crossing technology
Technology developed by La Trobe University’s Centre for Technology Infusion that aims to reduce or even eliminate accidents at railway level crossings will be trialled by the ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
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