Automation & Control Feature Articles

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Helping computers to see
Driverless cars, robotic mining, smart 'event alarm' CCTV and even at-home stroke rehabilitation - this is the world where computers can see, being made possible by researchers like ...
Laser sensor could help prevent fatal plane crashes
A low-cost laser sensor, developed by engineers from the University of NSW (UNSW), can quickly and accurately measure the velocity of commercial passenger aircrafts could complement ...
Cellular, internet connectivity key to wireless activity sensors boom
New vendors rush to market to take advantage of Bluetooth technology-powered wireless sensors’ exploitation of links to smartphones and computers.
Climbing the intelligence stairway
Founding engineer of Skype and philosopher of modern technology, Jaan Tallinn, believes the impact of artificial intelligence has reached a crucial stage.
How the carbon tax works
Carbon pricing is essentially about ensuring the economy can grow without emissions growing at the same time.
Bee research might lead to machine vision breakthrough
An international research breakthrough with bees means machines might soon be able to see almost as well as humans.
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Is it a phone? No it's a laser measurement device
Pioneering new miniature laser technology which could revolutionise a future generation of mobile phones has been developed by a manufacturing business in the United Kingdom.
'Smart sand' could spontaneously duplicate broken parts
New algorithms could enable heaps of 'smart sand' that can assume any shape, allowing spontaneous formation of new tools or duplication of broken mechanical parts.
Ultra-small laser opens up world of possibilities
Computing and medicine are among the many fields which could be revolutionised by a new form of ultra-small laser.
Imaging system lets camera peer around corners
A new imaging system could use opaque walls, doors or floors as 'mirrors' to gather information about scenes outside its line of sight.
Rats map out the future of GPS technology
Ditching satellites and complex, powerful computers and opting for camera technology inspired by small mammals may be the future of navigation systems.
Organisations push for common M2M Service Layer standard
Bodies recognise need for cooperative standards development to ensure connectivity between myriad of M2M devices in the field.
Business investment in new technologies improve performance
The latest Australian Industry Group/Deloitte National CEO report, Business Investment in New Technologies, examines business investment in new technologies over the past three years. ...
Scorpions inspire scientists to make tougher machinery
Wear and tear on moving machinery parts requires regular maintenance and comes at a considerable cost. However new US research is taking lessons from one of nature's born survivors ...
Lizards' tails inspire next generation robotic research
Lizards have proven inspiration for the next generation of robot research, which will ultimately lead to much more agile robots, particularly for use in search-and-rescue applications ...
QUT research to help safer emergency aircraft landings
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better ...
A new spin in diamonds for quantum technologies
An Australian university has teamed up with its counterparts in Germany to research the potential of diamonds in quantum information devices and electrical and magnetic sensors.
Latest Wi-Fi version set for rapid adoption worldwide
Scramble for market share by big Wi-Fi chipset vendors will ensure 5GHz band, 1Gbps 802.11ac wireless technology rapidly makes its way into consumers’ home networks
Materials and miniaturisation drive sensor market over next decade
Advances in sensor technology will improve the performance, reliability, longevity and cost of devices, claims analyst.
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