Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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Eco-friendly way for extracting iron ore unveiled
Scientists have unveiled a new method for extracting metallic iron from its ore while curbing Earth-warming carbon dioxide emissions.
Low-cost DIY wastewater treatment system
A low-cost wastewater treatment system built entirely with recycled materials and parts from hardware shops will help transfer Australian expertise to classrooms in Tunisia.
New 'tool' revolutionary against water pollution
Australian and French scientists say they have manufactured a lightweight and reusable material that can absorb up to 33 times its weight in certain chemicals — a possible new tool ...
New battery holds even more potential for the electric car
Ditching petrol for a clean-tech electric car sounds like an earth-saving move in theory. But if your charge is going to run out half way through your journey, it's not very practical ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
A new way to protect precious water
Australian scientists have devised a way to model polluted groundwater with computer simulation — and better protect the Earth's main fresh water supply.
Climate change to blame for bumpier aircraft flights: scientists
Flights will become bumpier as global warming destabilises air currents at altitudes used by commercial airliners, climate scientists warn.
Green mining project wins major Asian business prize
A QUT post-graduate team has taken out first prize against teams from across the globe in Asia's largest business planning competition with a plan that could help mining companies ...
Sustainability lessons from US logistics sector
From major retailers to trucking and shipping, US companies are making major strides in emissions control, reduced energy consumption and cost savings.
Regional communities could use food waste for fuel
Murdoch University researchers are touting biogas from small-scale food waste digesters as a source of renewable energy for rural and regional communities.
Personality a clue to 'wind turbine syndrome'
Public concern about new technology infrastructure like mobile phone masts has been shown to trigger reports of ill health, and recently even the new 'green' technology of wind ...
Asia leading the world in low carbon economy: index
China now earns as much from selling solar panels as it does from shoes, as Asia's emerging economies prepare to prosper in a future that limits carbon emissions, a report says.
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
Green engines research lab an Asia-Pacific first
Research into sustainable automotive technologies will be boosted with the launch of RMIT University's $10 million Green Engines Research Facility in Bundoora, the first of its kind ...
Battery breakthrough brings longer life to electric vehicles
A new version of lithium-sulphur battery that can run electric vehicles is being developed at the Baosteel-Australia Joint Research and Development Centre based at The University of ...
China producing more, polluting less: study
Research into a decade of development in China provides little support for the so-called 'pollution haven' hypothesis.
New joint centre to secure future energy, reduce emissions
A newly established joint research centre at Curtin University will help secure future energy supplies and reduce CO2 emissions from both Australia and China.
Saving thousands by turning 'pig poo into power'
Pig farmer Edwina Beveridge still gets excited every time she receives a power bill and sees the savings.
Opportunities and challenges in carbon farming
The important role of farmers in tackling climate change was in the spotlight when some of Australia’s leading science and agriculture minds analysed the Federal Government’s Carbon ...
Low carbon legacy: UltraBattery inventor retires
Bringing down the cost of hybrid electric vehicles and making it easier to integrate more renewable energy into the grid are just some of the achievements of CSIRO’s UltraBattery.
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