Material Handling & Lifting Equipment Feature Articles

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Autonomous robots taught to think like us
A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT in the United States allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.
Stretch hood wrapping offers packaging savings
In today’s tough economic times, many companies are looking to make their business more efficient and save costs, and one place to start is with your packaging.
Rugged smart phones, the smart choice for industry
The past four years has seen a dramatic growth in the use and availability of smart phones, and the handheld devices are now having a profound influence on the way many people do ...
Wind power generation saves environment, saves money
Although European countries have been quick to pick up wind power, Australia is a relative newcomer to the concept.
Innovations in building product waste disposal
Feature of the week: A study by the Monash Centre for Environmental Management found around 10% to 15% of paint bought by householders and trade painters remained unused at the end ...
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Industry heads meet during political uncertainty
New talks, to discuss the changes in the planned Australian Mining Tax, will begin soon.
A silver alternative for plastics processor
Feature of the week: Three thousand years ago the Phoenicians stored their drinking water in silver vessels to delay the onset of spoilage.
Safety awareness in PPE clothing
Feature of the week: More safety awareness in producing personal protection equipment (PPE) clothing is imperative if accidents are to be averted in sensitive voltage areas.
AUS's mining sector looks strong for the future
Feature of the week: Despite lingering effects of the global financial crisis, as manifested by continued economic crises in Southern Europe (Greece and Spain) and in Britain, the ...
The gulf that separates consultants & manufacturers
Feature of the week: Keith Monaghan was not impressed. The president of the Plastics Industry Manufacturers of Australia (PIMA) had just picked up the phone. A consultant was on the ...
Changes to heavy vehicle pricing on the way
Feature of the week: A discussion paper released earlier this month by the National Transport Commission, regarding current heavy vehicle pricings and potential future structures, ...
Changes ahead for transport industry
Feature of the week: In the leadup to the election, the Greens' campaign wanted to remove all freight off roads, and redirect the money into regional rail infrastructure, to boost ...
Dumping on proposed nuclear waste dump
Feature of the week: Environmental groups are calling for plans for Australia's first large scale nuclear waste dump at Muckaty Station in the Northern Territory to be put on hold, ...
Trucking industry demands answers on important issues
Feature of the week: The Australian Trucking Association has put more pressure on all major political parties by demanding answers to future plans concerning trucking industries in ...
Safety around electrically powered vehicles
Feature of the week: Power regulators in each state are set to deliberate on a draft Australian Standard designed to unify methods of work around electrically powered vehicles, ...
Lice infestation needs co-ordinated attack
Feature of the week: Infestations of sheep lice are costing New South Wales sheep farmers thousands of dollars each year in lost production.
Another transport funding snub for Aussie farmers
Feature of the week: Australia's primary industries have been snubbed again by the Federal Government's inability to fund any new transport projects in Sydney.
Waste management's rennaissance period
Feature of the week: The national boom in recycling is leading to a renaissance of the waste management industry, as firms open new facilities to deal with new types of material ...
Higher salaries for transport & distribution employees
Feature of the week: The news that almost half of transport and distribution employers expect to offer higher salaries next financial year provides an opportunity for employers in ...
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