Electrical & Power Generation Equipment Feature Articles

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Catalyst in a teacup: new approach to chemical reduction
Taking their inspiration from nature, scientists at the University of New South Wales have developed a new method for carrying out chemical reduction.
Regional communities could use food waste for fuel
Murdoch University researchers are touting biogas from small-scale food waste digesters as a source of renewable energy for rural and regional communities.
Personality a clue to 'wind turbine syndrome'
Public concern about new technology infrastructure like mobile phone masts has been shown to trigger reports of ill health, and recently even the new 'green' technology of wind ...
A guide to selecting non-contact sensors
Nowhere is the trend towards non-contact sensing more evident than in position measurement.
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
Australia remains favoured destination for Chinese investment
Australia is facing increasing competition from other countries for Chinese investment dollars, according to a new report.
Battery breakthrough brings longer life to electric vehicles
A new version of lithium-sulphur battery that can run electric vehicles is being developed at the Baosteel-Australia Joint Research and Development Centre based at The University of ...
New joint centre to secure future energy, reduce emissions
A newly established joint research centre at Curtin University will help secure future energy supplies and reduce CO2 emissions from both Australia and China.
New technique to transform precious metal recovery
Murdoch University researchers have come up with a new approach to make the recovery of high value precious metals faster and more economically viable.
Saving thousands by turning 'pig poo into power'
Pig farmer Edwina Beveridge still gets excited every time she receives a power bill and sees the savings.
Low carbon legacy: UltraBattery inventor retires
Bringing down the cost of hybrid electric vehicles and making it easier to integrate more renewable energy into the grid are just some of the achievements of CSIRO’s UltraBattery.
Microscopic pollutant causing surge in heart deaths
Exposure to higher levels of fine particulates — the airborne pollution that is an emerging problem in many Asian cities — causes a sharp rise in deaths from heart attacks.
'Breathing' plants help to deal with climate change
Plants and soils absorbed one-third of the carbon pollution released from burning fossil fuels in Australia over the past two decades, a CSIRO study has found.
Micro CT Scanner to further carbon capture research
A new Micro CT Scanner installed at Curtin University will enable advanced research into geosequestration, long recognised as a viable method for safely disposing of CO2 underground. ...
Pinpointing power-hungry appliances can cut energy bills
New research by The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, and energy company E.ON could help people to save money on their energy bills by identifying which of their ...
Carbon sponge could soak up coal emissions
Emissions from coal power stations could be drastically reduced by a new, energy-efficient material that adsorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide, then releases it when exposed to ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
Liquid metal marbles: new platform for nanomaterials
Researchers at RMIT University have created "liquid metal marbles" — droplets of liquid metal coated in nanoparticles — in a world-first breakthrough.
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
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