Industrial Materials, Tools & Components Feature Articles

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Creating comfortable, environmentally-friendly working environments
Construction for Stage Two of the environmentally friendly St Brigid's Primary School development is just about to break ground.
Clever, cleaner plastics to transform polymer industry
Biomolecular engineers at the University of Sydney are creating cleaner, more cost-effective PPC polymers that promise to transform the biodegradable polymer industry.
Multi-million investment in hydrogen storage
University of Queensland research has led to a $9.25 million investment in hydrogen storage innovation.
Scientists crack the 'coffee ring effect'
Ever notice how a dried coffee stain has a thicker outer rim, while the middle of the stain remains almost unsoiled? This 'coffee ring effect' also occurs in other materials.
New horizons for Australia's manufacturing industry
To be headquartered at Monash University, a new manufacturing innovation precinct, which will help drive the resurgence of the industry, has been announced by the Australian Government. ...
New 'tool' revolutionary against water pollution
Australian and French scientists say they have manufactured a lightweight and reusable material that can absorb up to 33 times its weight in certain chemicals — a possible new tool ...
Innovation, education now needed in China's development
Kamel Mellahi, Professor of Strategic Management at Warwick Business School, has warned China has to boost innovation if it is to stop the slowdown in its economy and prevent it ...
Quantum computing taps nucleus of single atom
A team of Australian engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has demonstrated a quantum bit based on the nucleus of a single atom in silicon, promising dramatic ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
A new way to protect precious water
Australian scientists have devised a way to model polluted groundwater with computer simulation — and better protect the Earth's main fresh water supply.
Digital foam technology transforms HMIs
UniSA researcher Dr Ross Smith has presented his digital foam technology at the recent Mini Maker Faire in Adelaide.
Ceramic material hitches ride on hypersonic scramjet
An exotic ceramic material that could one day be used to build hypersonic flight craft will be hitching a ride on a free-flying scramjet flight experiment built by The University of ...
Catalyst in a teacup: new approach to chemical reduction
Taking their inspiration from nature, scientists at the University of New South Wales have developed a new method for carrying out chemical reduction.
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
Super nanowire composite solves 'valley of death' riddle
In a world first, a team of researchers from Australia, China and the US has created a super strong metallic composite by harnessing the extraordinary mechanical properties of ...
A high-flying future for Australian manufacturing
The Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing (M-CAM), built to drive the establishment of high-end, waste-free, tailored manufacturing for the aerospace industry was launched in ...
Microscopic pollutant causing surge in heart deaths
Exposure to higher levels of fine particulates — the airborne pollution that is an emerging problem in many Asian cities — causes a sharp rise in deaths from heart attacks.
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
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