Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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Using linear sensors to prevent train derailments
In civil engineering, bridge expansion and contraction are common problems due to seasonal heating and cooling.
Recruitment firm joins Fair Work Ombudsman in quest for compliance
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Australia) is the latest major employer to join with the Fair Work Ombudsman in a partnership aimed at achieving best practice in its workplace.
Manufacturing slips, sub-sectors show 'positive signs': Australian PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) contracted for a third consecutive month in January down slightly by 0.9 points to 46.7 ...
CEOs expect 'tentative improvement' amid further weak conditions
The Australian Industry Group's (Ai Group) annual Business Prospects report released Monday (3 February) shows most CEOs expect conditions to remain weak in 2014 although modestly ...
Effective strategies to beat 'chair disease'
It takes more than stand-up work stations for office staff to combat "chair disease" from sitting too long, a new study has found.
Sleeping easy to be safe
The new Cooperative Research Centre for Alertness, Safety and Productivity aims to reduce fatigue-related injuries by 9000 each year, saving the health system almost $2 billion in ...
Caution urged for power-line work after spate of worker deaths
Businesses and workers need to be very careful when working with electricity and power-lines after recent analysis from WorkCover showed there had been 2 electrocutions and 14 electric ...
Not paying tax a dangerous game for small businesses
The recent report that the ATO is chasing a back-log of $18 billion in debt, with small business tax payers accounting for more than 60 per cent of outstanding debt, should ring ...
Stop-go: controlling the dangers at roadworks
How fast should you drive through a roadwork zone?
Power-line fault detection system 'could' reduce bushfire risk
A researcher from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) has commercialised smart grid early fault detection technology that can help reduce the risk of bushfires.
Tax tips for Australian businesses
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched a new campaign to help Australian businesses meet their tax obligations.
How safety signs can help you comply with workplace safety laws
Recent Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) legislation demands that business owners and management are now responsible for identifying all risks and hazards in the workplace.
Reporting obligations for importers and exporters
A company that failed to report its imports and exports of ozone depleting substances and synthetic greenhouse gases – and equipment containing those gases – has been found to have ...
3.6 million Australians 'exposed' to workplace carcinogens
Australian researchers have found that a staggering 40 per cent of workers are exposed to cancer-causing agents in their current jobs, with men at higher risk than women.
Securing Australia's manufacturing future
Australia has a strong manufacturing history and will have a strong manufacturing future, according to Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane and the Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Reaching its limits: can the global economy keep growing?
In 1972 a group of scientists, known collectively as the Club of Rome, constructed a detailed mathematical model to test whether population growth and economic development could ...
Mining in 2014: is the boom really over?
It's been one of the most often posed questions in industry circles in 2013, with industry, government, media, analysts and lobbyists failing to reach consensus – is Australia's ...
"Up to 80" truck-related deaths expected during holiday season
Transport Workers Union National Secretary Tony Sheldon recently joined around 200 drivers and their families in an advance memorial for the "up to 80" people who would die in ...
Flying the flag: Australia 10th in World's Most Valuable Nation Brands
Australia has moved up to tenth position in the Nation Brand 2013 Study by leading brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance, with its Brand Value growing to US$1.257 billion.
Christmas shoppers encouraged to celebrate local products, produce
The Australian Made Campaign is urging shoppers seeking out local products and produce this Christmas to look for the Australian Made, Australian Grown logo.
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