Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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4th Industrial Revolution
What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? What does it mean for our work and society? William can tell you.
Australia's skilled workforce to suffer from cuts to migration intake
Cuts to Australia’s permanent migration program would be a major concern to business and should be a concern to all Australians, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said ...
The expanding $200 billion Australian industry
The Government is investing $200 billion to modernise Australia’s defence capability. Australian businesses, large and small, will be essential to delivering these new capabilities. ...
QLD Advisory Committee to encourage manufacturing
Queensland’s newly established Manufacturing Ministerial Committee, tasked with advancing the State’s manufacturing sector, officially began working this week.
JLG launches M.A.P - Managed Asset Program
JLG is excited to announce the launch of a new service where we can assist with the management of your assets to help you maximise your ROI.
The next generation of Australia's unsealed roads 2017
A holistic approach to long-term needs is required to maintain the vast amount of unsealed roads in Australia. This article addresses the path to more sustainable road networks in ...
Workplace discrimination driving women away from engineering
The Association of Professional Engineers Australia recently released a national study looking at the drivers of massive underrepresentation of women in the engineering workforce.
STEM courses would be hardest hit by proposed university cuts
Science, technology, engineering and maths courses – crucial for future skills and economic growth – would be hardest hit by the Government's proposed cuts to university funding.
Grants help Australian researchers and SMEs go global
Eighteen Australian researchers and 11 small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) will share in $1.4 million in government grants to meet and collaborate with global partners to progress ...
More drivers choosing diesel powered vehicles
Petrol and LPG powered vehicles continue to lose ground as more drivers choose diesel to power their vehicles, according to the latest ABS Motor Vehicle Census data.
Australian automotive industry facing growing skills shortage: report
A landmark report launched recently by Senator Nick Xenophon reaffirms an urgent need for a coordinated whole of-industry policy and actions to address current and emerging issues ...
Sweeping changes to skilled visa system welcome: Ai Group
"The sweeping changes announced today to Australia's skilled visa system will contribute positively to delivering the skills Australia needs and they will further improve the integrity ...
Engineering crucial to our future
Engineers – and engineering – are a crucial part of the collaboration that is Australia’s future.
New apprentice and trainee figures show decline in trade occupations
Figures released recently, by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), show the number of people starting an apprenticeship or traineeship is up 2.9% for the ...
Queensland project to deliver more gas and jobs: APPEA
The announcement recently by Queensland Gas Company (QGC), a Shell Australia joint venture, that it will soon begin drilling up to 161 additional wells is a win for both gas supply ...
Business groups call for action to rescue ailing apprenticeship system
Australia’s peak business organisations have united to call on governments to take urgent action to avert an imminent crisis in our apprenticeship system, one that risks leaving ...
The answer to gas problems is increasing supply
Australia urgently needs more gas supply and more gas suppliers to head off a supply shortfall forecast for 2019.
Manufacturing forges ahead in February: Australian PMI®
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) has increased by 8.1 points to 59.3 in February.
Timber is no support tool
Safety MITS often gets the opportunity to visit many industrial and mining companies all over Australia.
How to repair damaged roads and freeways fast with PolyCom
The dramatic end to a decade of drought has roads throughout Australia causing safety issues and delays. Already facing the pressure of a backlog of road maintenance, many councils ...
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