IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Big Data: a potential source of great improvement within your company
Big Data is a term we use for the large quantity of data in an environment such as, for example, a factory.
4th Industrial Revolution
What is the 4th Industrial Revolution? What does it mean for our work and society? William can tell you.
Gateway as a bridge to a future-proof process landscape
In the age of Industrie 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT), Ethernet is also making inroads into process manufacturing.­
How to deal with conflict on the factory floor
What causes workplace conflict? Well, in its broadest sense, human nature.
6 Great Podcasts for Manufacturing Professionals
If you’re not up to speed with podcasts, they’re a great way to stay up to speed with anything and everything while, well, operating at speed.
Manufacturing people power: full time or labour hire?
With eCommerce and an ever-growing market of impatient customers expecting everything yesterday, manufacturing has never faced more challenges.
Training Supervisors to Improve Health and Wellbeing of Employees
Mental and stress related disorders such as depression, anxiety and burnout account for a large percentage of all work-related health problems.
Does Brexit have any fibre?
What exactly is this British breakfast cereal that's got everyone in a tizz?
Common injuries caused by technology and how to avoid them
Technology; it’s stopped being surprising for its sheer ability to be what we never imagined it could be.
Women considered better industry workers. Or not?
Women and industry workplace settings aren’t a common picture that comes to mind.
Be prepared - wage rate changes effective 1 July 2016
A new National Minimum Wage comes into effect from the first pay period on or after tomorrow, July 1.
Reinventing Company Culture to Increase Employee Engagement and Safety
Company culture, an elusive and often overlooked and undervalued concept.
Supporting innovative businesses to drive jobs and growth
Innovation is critical to Australia's economic transition and forms an important part of our national economic plan.
6 Great Apps for Industrial Businesses
It's the digital age, an age where there are countless ways to use our digits anywhere and everywhere to access anything and everything through a mobile phone.
Annual wage review places pressure on business: ACCI
The Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase minimum and award wages by 2.4 per cent means a heavier burden for employers operating in an economy in transition, the Australian ...
The Role of Mental Health in Workplace Safety
When it comes to workplace safety, physical safety is usually on the agenda.
Four fast facts about wage growth: ACCI
New data shows that wages continue to grow more slowly than they have in the past, but the headline result does not tell the full story, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ...
How to match people to productivity
Your star salesperson has been consistently topping thier budgets and receiving fantastic bonuses for two years. Now your sales manager has decided to fly the coup.
Auto workers welcome Labor's commitment to jobs in manufacturing: AMWU
The Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union (AMWU) has welcomed Labor’s plan to assist regions affected by the end of vehicle building in Australia.
Key Advantages of Industrial Computer Networking
Imagine for a moment that your business is a rugby team.
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