IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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New application makes supercomputing simple
A new open source application developed at Murdoch University is giving researchers a revolutionary new way of accessing supercomputers.
Latest Wi-Fi version set for rapid adoption worldwide
Scramble for market share by big Wi-Fi chipset vendors will ensure 5GHz band, 1Gbps 802.11ac wireless technology rapidly makes its way into consumers’ home networks
Scientists find way to form random molecular patterns
Scientists at The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom have discovered a way to control how tiny flat molecules fit together in a seemingly random pattern.
HDD supply constraints force notebook makers to consider alternatives
Hard Disk Drive shortages caused by worst Thai floods in half a century are likely to raise prospects for solid state drives if only for premium portable PCs.
Modular instruments lower cost of testing complex products
A change of strategy enables engineers to customise their approach for testing smaller, faster products.
ARM processors approach two for every person on planet
An embedded low power processor, popular in portable devices, is now shipping nearly three billion units per year.
Table salt holds key to HD data recording density discovery
Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research has developed a way of increasing the data recording density of hard disks, and humble table salt is the key ingredient in ...
CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
Wonder material graphene given research boost
Graphene, the world’s thinnest, strongest and most conductive material, has received a huge research boost in the UK, set to bring the material into mainstream global commercialisation. ...
Autonomous robots taught to think like us
A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT in the United States allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.
Tiny wire research a step towards photonic chip
Groundbreaking Australian photonics research has taken a tiny but huge step forward in the development of the photonic chip.
Asia's e-waste pollution may spread worldwide
Thousands of tonnes of toxic e-waste are entering the world’s atmosphere, oceans, fresh waters, soils and foodstuffs every year. This is now spreading round the planet, including ...
Ford planning open source, affordable car technology
Ford Motor Company and an open-source hardware and software provider are teaming up to explore how to make in-car connectivity more available, affordable and personalised for the ...
Researchers make flexible electronic devices breakthrough
A team of researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have developed a manufacturing technology for single-crystal thin films of ...
Serial ATA revamped for embedded solid state drives
New standard eliminates module connector from the SATA interface easing embedded implementations.
Apple looks to future with new CEO Cook
Since Steve Jobs' return to Apple Inc in 1997 as CEO, the company has been on an unparalleled upswing, highlighted by the immense popularity of the iPad and iPhone.
Texting, grand theft auto style
Texting and driving don't go well together - though not in the way you might think.
Nanomaterial research to make faster, smaller, more powerful PCs
As consumers crave ever faster, smaller, and more powerful PCs and data storage devices, a new method of making molecules could eventually produce nanomaterials that will allow ...
ZigBee Alliance launches tenth standard: ZigBee Gateway
A new standard aims to deliver the benefits of ZigBee technology via the Internet.
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
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