Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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Qld govt 'must acknowledge' importance of manufacturing
The downturn in mining has seen manufacturing companies in regional Queensland 'close their doors', causing job losses in communities – and the Australian Manufacturing Workers' ...
Latest vision technology proves 'vital for traceability'
The latest vision technology helps cut manufacturing costs by providing 'an extra set of eyes' to prevent traceability mistakes.
Ancient crop could help safeguard world's wheat
Using a crop — popular in the Bronze Age but almost unknown today — University of Sydney scientists have helped pave the way to creating wheat resistant to the fungal disease stem ...
Nutrition bars targeting the mainstream market
The nutrition bars sector continues to enjoy rising levels of interest, in line with or even ahead of the market for cereal bars as a whole.
How to avoid economic bubbles and crashes
By using methods developed to study the interactions of particles and applying them to economics, researchers at the University of Sydney have shown that small changes can create a ...
To stay or not to stay – that is the employee question
What makes employees leave or stay in organisations and how organisations can improve employee retention is the focus of a public lecture being held at the University of South ...
The bee health crisis: what it means for world food production
A leading international bee expert who has teamed with local beekeepers and experts has been awarded nearly $600,000 to help combat a global decline in bee health that threatens ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2013-14
As Australian companies begin the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to soar and sink in 2013-14.
Bio-based hotmelt adhesives a reality
A leading adhesive company and a bio-based material technology firm have formed an alliance to develop hotmelt adhesives that use bio-based raw materials.
Study reveals how packaging can reduce food waste
In an Australian first, research released last month shows packaging has a vital role to play within the supply chain in minimising food waste.
Zero tolerance for food waste 'a must'
In light of a recent international report warning of impending food production shortages, Dr Shashi Sharma, Chair in Biosecurity and Food Security at Murdoch University, has a simple ...
Is this Australia's best wine bottle?
A uniquely shaped bottle of port which has achieved the accolade of "Australia’s best-designed wine bottle" is the toast of a design consultancy run by University of South Australia ...
Forced labour legislation puts employers on notice
An immigrant cook is put to work in appalling conditions, for 14 hours a day, seven days a week, and not paid a cent. Is that slavery? Criminal exploitation? Not necessarily.
Packaging technology doubles shelf life
The latest European innovation for chilled ready meals is manufactured on a continuous production line and claims it can extend shelf life up to 45 days. If this seems a little hard ...
Star system for food labelling 'seriously flawed': industry
Packaged food manufacturers have about two years to voluntarily implement health star ratings on the front of their products, or risk legislative measures. The plan was agreed to ...
Fruity flavours favoured in new yoghurt formulations
Fruit flavours dominate the yoghurt market, featuring in over two-thirds of global launches recorded by Innova Market Insights in the 12 months to the end of March 2013, rising to ...
The top 10 global packaging trends
A cross-functional team of 10 managers from resealable-closure company Zip-Pak recently completed an intensive 18-month global packaging study. This is what they found.
Experts explore sustainable packaging
A one-day round table at RMIT University has explored the marketing advantages of packaging for sustainability.
Farmers want water 'banked' for future droughts
Australian farmers want excess water from large floods to be ‘banked’ in aquifers for use in dry times.
"GMO-free" moving forward in new products
Interest in natural products has grown markedly in recent years.
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