Construction Equipment & Heavy Machinery Feature Articles

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Mega investment 'should' transform western Syd's economy
The federal and NSW governments are investing more than $1 billion over the forward estimates and $3.5 billion over 10 years in major infrastructure upgrades in Western Sydney in ...
Less red tape, more jobs in construction: Master Builders
The federal government's red tape repeal legislation will "slash the burden" of over regulation and associated compliance costs, according to Master Builders Australia (MBA).
Building code of conduct 'should' pull industry into line
The federal government has published an advance release of the Building and Construction Industry (Fair and Lawful Building Sites) Code 2014, designed to restore the rule of law and ...
Construction watchdog says union officials trying to 'test' its powers
Union lawlessness on South Australian building sites has reached "alarming levels", the federal government's construction watchdog says.
New home lending 'signals strength' in residential construction
Housing finance data released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics point to further strength in residential construction, said the Housing Industry Association, the voice of ...
Tied up: untangling red tape a windfall for construction sector
Last month the federal government introduced legislation and tabled documents to repeal over 10,000 unnecessary and counter-productive pieces of legislation and regulations. For the ...
Training crisis threatens industry's future: AMWU
Australia risks destroying the training capacity it will need to transform manufacturing due to governments nationwide starving and dismantling TAFEs.
Project Team Integration 'boosts' construction productivity
The Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) and the Australasian Procurement and Construction Council (APCC) have produced two important and valuable guides to help the ...
Public infrastructure: where do we stand?
Last month the Productivity Commission released a draft report claiming missed opportunities and flawed procurement procedures were holding back public infrastructure. Ahead of the ...
Business, rice farmers beg to differ on Japan FTA
Tony Abbott announced this week (Monday, April 7) Australia had finally struck a historic trade deal with Japan, a move that will allow a number of local industries – most significantly ...
Half of Aust workers "deeply worried" about future
Half of Australian workers worry about their work, a survey by the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne has found.
'UNCOVER' summit opens new world for mining
The hunt has begun to discover Australia's next resources hotspots, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry Bob Baldwin said on Monday this week (March 31).
New 'compass' for construction industry
In May, Australian Construction Industry Forum (ACIF) will release its new Customised Forecasts Dashboard, a new data portal for businesses large and small to generate tailored ...
Manufacturing contracts again in March: Australia PMI
The latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) contracted again in March – down 0.7 points to 47.9 (readings ...
Australian Made, Australian Grown logo: supporting local industry
The Australian Made Campaign has created a video to help tell the story of the Australian Made, Australian Grown logo – Australia's only registered country-of-origin trade mark.
CEO red tape report: major headway requires further efforts
The extent of the red tape burden facing Australian business is highlighted in a new Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) CEO survey.
Positioning Australia for the future
Australia's infrastructure outlook has been mapped and made public as never before with the release of the publication 'Trends', a forecast of the nation's infrastructure position ...
Govt to review OHS Accreditation Scheme
The Commonwealth government is undertaking a targeted review of the Australian Government Building and Construction OHS Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme), administered by the Federal ...
Red tape repeal will 'lighten the load' on business
"The Australian Industry Group strongly welcomes the initiatives the government is taking to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses and other organisations," Australian Industry ...
'Inappropriate' revenue streams to unions to be investigated
"The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) welcomes the release today (14 March) of the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Trade Union Governance and Corruption," says ...
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