IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Standards Australia’s new business model refined
Following recent, extensive stakeholder consultation, a revised approach to Standards Australia’s way of operating has been developed in conjunction with, and supported by, the ...
Incentive travel sector benefit with Dreamtime 2009
Tourism Australia has kicked-off Dreamtime 2009, its Australian incentive travel showcase designed to keep Australia’s sellers on the radar of influential buyers from around the ...
Fighting to entice skilled workforce during downturn
The Australian Industry Group/Deloitte CEO survey, Skilling Business in Tough Times, has highlighted the strong pressures on employment and training during the downturn and the ...
New report released on state of the NSW finances in 2008-09
NSW Business Chamber has welcomed the release of the Report on State Finances saying it represented a better than expected outcome for NSW following the global financial crisis.
One set of global accounting standards to protect info
“It is imperative that there is one set of financial reporting standards for the world if the quality and comparability of investor information is to be protected.
Hybrid electric vehicles revolution of the future
A road trial of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which could one day end up in every Australian driveway, is underway.
IP Aust fast tracks patents for green technology
IP Australia is helping green innovators find a fast track to the marketplace by offering priority to environmentally friendly technologies in the patent application system.
Navigating your business: Best practices in and out of recession
Why is it that certain companies only take the time to tighten their belts when times are tough?
Going green in business: How to save money and the planet
As our awareness of our environmental impact grows, more and more businesses are looking to decrease their carbon footprints and lower their impact on the world around them.
Report outlines Aust's engineering challenges for 21st century
The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering will soon launch a landmark report, which comprehensively reviews professional engineering performance, innovation and risk.
Govt's space effort ramped up to aid inventiveness
The Rudd Government has ramped up the nation’s space effort with the opening of the new $40 million Australian Space Research Program.
NSW unemployment is heading in the right direction: Down
NSW’s largest employer organisation, NSW Business Chamber, has said that employment data was a positive outcome for NSW with unemployment falling from 6.1% to 5.6% but warned this ...
Make sure your IT systems are properly backed up for safety
If you are someone who relies on your computer to make a living, you know exactly how important it is to backup all of your computer files and software.
Historic reforms to be made to telecommunications regulation
The Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy has announced fundamental reforms to existing telecommunications regulations in the interests ...
More Australians need motivation to understand the digital world
A significant minority of adult Australians are missing out on the benefits of new digital media, in particular the internet, because of lack of skills, low individual motivation ...
Follow five important business processes that can drive success
Business processes are the flows of activities that get things done in your business. Once processes are identified and measured, you can automate, streamline and even redesign them ...
Reports underline the resilience of Australia's financial markets
Austrade has launched its 2009 Financial Services Benchmark Report in conjunction with the Australian Financial Markets Association's (AFMA) 2009 Australian Financial Markets Report ...
Make better sales conversion and cut waste through measuring
For better sales conversion, you must eliminate waste. It is easy to waste too much time and money trying to convert customers and waste revenue from failing to convert customers.
Small bits of metal may play a key role in advancing solar power
Researchers at Ohio State University are experimenting with polymer semiconductors that absorb the sun's energy and generate electricity. The goal: lighter, cheaper, and more-flexible ...
September Australian PMI®: Manufacturing holds on to its gain
Manufacturing held on to its gains in September with activity expanding for the second consecutive month according to the latest Australian Industry Group - PricewaterhouseCoopers ...
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