Electronic Components Feature Articles

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‘Internet of Things’ will connect 16 billion devices by 2020
There will be an average of at least one connectable device for every person on the planet by the end of the decade, claims a new report.
Electronics firms urged to take care with conformal coatings
For those in the electronics industry, conformal coatings can be one of the most important things on the job.
Rugged smart phones, the smart choice for industry
The past four years has seen a dramatic growth in the use and availability of smart phones, and the handheld devices are now having a profound influence on the way many people do ...
Slight early growth ‘indicates double-digit 2011 expansion for semis’
The last quarter of 2010 and the first of 2011 saw modest increases in the global semiconductor market, but double digit growth could be on the horizon if the past is anything to go ...
Industrial caps & plugs: Flexible closures for every situation
Industrial caps and plugs may not be glamorous, but you and thousands of others still need them, and they better be fit for purpose.
25-nanometer technology boosts Intel NAND flash SSDs
Intel’s cheaper third-generation solid-state drives (SSDs) challenge traditional hard disks for non-volatile computer storage.
TV backlighting boosts LEDs, but LED lighting needed for growth
The surge in popularity for LCD televisions has provided a welcome boost for LED sales, but with market saturation approaching, new markets need to be found.
Chip wafer production stopped after quake
The catastrophic Japanese earthquake has resulted in suspended production of one quarter of the world's semiconductor wafer supply, according to a recently released report from IHS ...
CSIRO trials cutting edge wireless sensors research
The world is an interconnected web of people and places.
New threats to the security & reliability of GPS systems
Researchers have warned that GPS systems are becoming increasingly vulnerable to accidental interference or deliberate jamming, raising concerns about reliability and security.
Indicators are showing a struggling economy
The question lingering over the latest bout of weak economic figures is whether they have been depressed temporarily by adverse weather or reveal a longer-lasting economic malaise.
Industrial relations in Australia: The facts
Industrial relations (IR) is an all-encompassing term for the relationships existing between employers, workers and their representatives.
Satellite tells on floods
Emergency authorities responding to devastating floods across central New South Wales have new tool at their disposal courtesy of satellite radar experts at UNSW.
Volcano-alerts through emails
New Zealand scientists are playing a key role in developing a new system to give early warning of aviation-endangering volcanic eruptions by detecting the lightning their ash clouds ...
Preparing for tech glitches
The National Australian Bank's widespread delays in processing payments and transactions have been blamed on a corrupted file, but sensible design of enterprise systems should be ...
Can plastics generate electricity?
Feature of the week: It's been said that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.
Don't hold your breath for air power
Feature of the week: The continuing push for a sustainable fuel source is a topic that's gathering real momentum; from the public, government officials, and often from fuel companies ...
Pushing it to the electric limits
Feature of the week: As the energy source at the forefront of current research and development, battery powered vehicles have travelled a long way in the last few years.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
Capturing the lone atom
In a major physics breakthrough with international significance, University of Otago scientists have developed a technique to consistently isolate and capture a fast-moving neutral ...
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