Packaging & Labelling Machinery Feature Articles

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How to sell more beer: get men to fall in love
A new study has found that men who feel 'love' for their beer brand purchase 38 per cent more beer than average, while women who feel 'bonding' with their laundry detergent brand ...
Shining light on white wine spoilage
A new study has found that darker and heavier bottles can protect the quality of white wine.
Bottled beverage sales expected to grow despite call for bans
Health experts across the United States and Australia have highlighted soft drinks as one of the culprits for their places as the first and second ranking countries respectively in ...
High-quality images produced using 'stained-glass' approach
Inspired by colourful stained-glass windows, researchers from Singapore have demonstrated an innovative method for producing full-colour images at 100,000 dots per inch (dpi) which ...
Consumer behaviour in wine selection a complex science
The average consumer takes only forty seconds to pick a bottle of wine off the shelf. But what goes into making that decision?
How the carbon tax works
Carbon pricing is essentially about ensuring the economy can grow without emissions growing at the same time.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Manufacturers to suffer as sluggish retail sales continue
Retail spending is expected to be moderate over the next quarter, following a sluggish start to 2012, putting further pressure on Australian retailers and manufacturers, according ...
Material testing market bounces back
The sector is much healthier, but heavyweight vendor dominance restricts opportunities for smaller companies.
Simplicity please - food labelling attacked again
Australians are only likely to make informed, healthy choices about buying packaged foods if a clear and simple, interpretive front-of-pack labelling system is introduced.
Allergy-free eggs, five to ten years away
The days of nervous parents being concerned about their anaphylactic children consuming egg-white may soon be over, thanks to some ground-breaking research being undertaken by Deakin ...
Ethical food concerns continue to evolve
Despite financial constraints it appears that consumer interest in making ethical food choices is continuing to increase.
Copycat food labels confuse consumers
Australian supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have increasingly been coming under fire from food manufacturers, and it’s not just private label goods at the centre of the storm. ...
Air con research facility tests manufacturer claims
How do you know if the star ratings on your air conditioner really perform as they state on the label?
One hundred thousand food processing jobs at risk
Australia’s food manufacturing sector is under threat, and the industry’s peak body wants something done sooner rather than later.
Still waters run deep for bottled water manufacturers
Planet Ark’s national recycling week (7 to 13 November) is just around the corner and it is bringing Australia’s environmental issues into the spotlight.
CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
Stretch hood wrapping offers packaging savings
In today’s tough economic times, many companies are looking to make their business more efficient and save costs, and one place to start is with your packaging.
Traffic light labels favoured for food
Research released by the Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) reveals Australian grocery buyers are overwhelmingly (87 per cent) in favour of clearer nutrition labels on packaged food in ...
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