Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Economic report 'reinforces' value of resources industry
The mining industry continues to underpin the Australian economy, with new figures showing the production phase of the boom is gathering momentum.
ACCC grants interim authorisation for coal producers
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has granted interim authorisation for Rio Tinto, Peabody and Pacific National (the applicants) to coordinate transportation of coal ...
CEO red tape report: major headway requires further efforts
The extent of the red tape burden facing Australian business is highlighted in a new Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) CEO survey.
Food importers warned of heavy fines
Food importers are on notice to comply with Australian government regulation with Queensland's B&E Packaging fined $7,500 and court costs for breaching Australian importing requirements. ...
Freight expectations: Hunter Expressway opens for business
Residents and freight operators alike have cause for celebration, with the $1.7 billion Hunter Expressway opened to traffic.
Govt responds to airline accident investigations report
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss has announced the Australian government's response to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs ...
Red tape repeal will 'lighten the load' on business
"The Australian Industry Group strongly welcomes the initiatives the government is taking to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses and other organisations," Australian Industry ...
Green-light given for major Syd transport corridor
The NSW government has reached an agreement with Transurban and the Westlink M7 shareholders to deliver the NorthConnex motorway – twin nine kilometre tunnels to link the M1 and M2 ...
Government commits $125 million for freight productivity
National freight productivity will be boosted through the injection of $125m to start the rollout of the Advanced Train Management System across the national rail network and the ...
Hunter Expressway open to traffic in just two weeks
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss and NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay this past Thursday announced the Hunter region's largest ...
Missed the 28 February quarterly BAS deadline? The ATO can help
Most businesses lodge and pay on time with over 1.3 million BAS lodgements received by the due date for the last quarter.
Qantas fallout: a round-up of industry opinion
The federal government's announcement of its intention to amend the Qantas Sale Act to potentially allow increased foreign investment in the airline is one of the hottest topics in ...
Manufacturing contraction eases in February: Australian PMI
Improvements in production levels and new orders contributed to an easing in the rate of contraction in the latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing ...
Planning for timely, accurate BAS lodgement
"With the next quarterly BAS due on 28 February, Australian businesses need to plan for timely and accurate lodgement, even if there is nothing to report or the business may not be ...
Unions still have 'crucial role' to play in workplace
Australian unions still play a crucial role in monitoring and enforcing employer compliance with labour laws on behalf of workers, new University of Melbourne Law School research ...
What our readers have to say about Australia's future industries
While the Australian government expressed disappointment last week over Alcoa's decision to close its Point Henry Smelter and two rolling mills, IndustrySearch readers have weighed ...
Government leads focus on industries for the future
The Australian government shares the disappointment of the Geelong community following Alcoa's decision to close its Point Henry Smelter and two rolling mills, according to Minister ...
Workplace injuries bleeding economy
Australian businesses could save themselves and the economy up to $30 billion a year if they acted sooner to help injured workers get back in the workforce, according to a recent ...
Heavy Vehicle National Law to 'boost efficiency, productivity'
The recently introduced Heavy Vehicle National Law regulating trucks, buses and other heavy vehicles across most of Australia will boost efficiency and productivity in the transport ...
Over $25 million lost to dating and romance scams in 2013
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is warning those looking online for love not to fall for a scammer.
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