Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Apprentices to receive assistance via Trade Support Loans
Australian apprentices will be provided with government support to take up a trade and complete their training with the introduction of Trade Support Loans.
Carbon tax 'finally axed'
Following weeks of ambivalence, negotiation, and a marathon debate lasting more than 50 hours, Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill finally reached its parliamentary frontier when ...
Business groups welcome Carbon Tax Repeal
Three of Australia's leading groups representing businesses in critical sectors of the economy have welcomed the repeal of the carbon tax as the first step in moving towards an ...
Medical Research Future Fund: will industry actually benefit?
The government's proposed $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund can put Australia on the world map by driving and delivering cutting-edge, lifesaving innovation – so long as it ...
Aust scientists reach for stars in support of "niche manufacturing"
Australian scientists have snared two world-leading contracts to make astronomical instruments which will further consolidate Australia's reputation for global innovation, Minister ...
PUP's failure to keep carbon tax promise 'will disappoint public'
Clive Palmer and his PUP senators will have much to explain to voters if it does play its part in scrapping the carbon tax this week, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has said. ...
PUP's protest vote on carbon tax 'delays the inevitable'
A bid by the Abbott government to repeal the carbon tax earlier than originally planned has been stonewalled by Clive Palmer and his Palmer United Party senators, following their ...
'Critical' design considerations for WestConnex
Innovative tunnel designs and world class motorway management systems are the key to ensuring WestConnex is safe and delivers value to Sydney motorists, according to a new report by ...
Detail of Aust-Japan free trade agreement 'critical': industry
The effects of the historic free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan should be seen by business and industry alike before the end of the year, Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb said.
Aust must guard against "BANANA" syndrome: Abbott
Paul Keating once spoke of Australia becoming a banana republic back in 1986. Now the humble fruit has become the topic of conversation again with Tony Abbott telling a conference ...
Australian PCI: construction industry expands for first time in 2014
Ongoing improvements in the house building sector helped lift the national construction sector into growth territory for the first time this year according to the latest Australian ...
Final stage of Pacific Hwy upgrade approved
The Pacific Highway upgrade recently reached a major milestone with the NSW government announcing that planning approval had been given for the final section of the highway to be ...
'Significant challenges' facing CSG industry: chief scientist
The NSW government must take steps to build public trust in its capacity to oversee a safe coal seam gas (CSG) industry in the state, the Chief Scientist & Engineer has said.
Industries to rise and fall in the next financial year
As Australian companies ring in the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to sink and soar.
 'New era' for Australian industry and small business
A new era for industry development in Australia has begun, focusing on new investment, jobs growth, and new opportunities for Australian entrepreneurs, according to the Federal ...
Australian PMI: Manufacturing contracts slightly in June
The latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) remained in contractionary territory in June, down slightly by 0.3 points to 48.9 ...
6th new rail maintenance facility to open in Western Sydney
Minister for Transport Gladys Berejiklian says a sixth brand new rail maintenance Centre of Excellence will be opened in Western Sydney, to further improve the mess left behind by ...
Carbon tax: '$150 million per week and rising'
Official figures confirm the carbon tax is imposing a $150 million burden on the Australian economy every week.
Future of manufacturing 'in peril' due to TAFE funding cuts
The AMWU marked national TAFE Day this week by taking the fight for our apprentices' rights to quality training to the heart of the problem – Canberra.
Industry applauds NSW Budget heavy on infrastructure
Among the big winners in the NSW government's pre-election budget is infrastructure, with Treasurer Andrew Constance announcing on Tuesday (17 June) almost $405 million being set ...
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