IT Hardware & Industrial Computing Feature Articles

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Using intuitive learning to get to grips with gadgets
QUT researchers have found the reasons why parents and grandparents often complain their children can pick up a gadget and use it straight away or that they need them to set up the ...
The price is not right: Aussies gouged on digital products
A leading expert on intellectual property and consumer rights at The Australian National University has called for a range of legislative and regulatory changes to help stop unjustified ...
Breakthrough in bid to create first quantum computer
A research team led by Australian engineers has created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, opening the way to ultra-powerful quantum computers of the ...
Internet growth also widening digital gap
Five out of every six Australians are now online and regard the internet as a central part of their lives — but people who don't have access are at a deepening disadvantage as the ...
Digital stress and strain: the paperless office as a workplace hazard
Office workers from all professions are experiencing unprecedented levels of neck, back, shoulder and arm pain as an unintended consequence of the paperless office, according to new ...
High-quality images produced using 'stained-glass' approach
Inspired by colourful stained-glass windows, researchers from Singapore have demonstrated an innovative method for producing full-colour images at 100,000 dots per inch (dpi) which ...
Taking a quantum leap in future computing
Scientists have taken a quantum leap forward towards future computing after discovering that 'background interference' in quantum-level measurements, may be the very thing they need ...
Electron microscopy paves pathways for electronics manufacturing
A new high-tech method for imaging the electric fields of atoms could lead to advances in areas as diverse as data storage, solar cells and batteries.
Cellular, internet connectivity key to wireless activity sensors boom
New vendors rush to market to take advantage of Bluetooth technology-powered wireless sensors’ exploitation of links to smartphones and computers.
US researchers closer to new thermoelectric 'heat engine'
Researchers who are studying a new magnetic effect that converts heat to electricity have discovered how to amplify it a thousand times over - a first step in making the technology ...
Climbing the intelligence stairway
Founding engineer of Skype and philosopher of modern technology, Jaan Tallinn, believes the impact of artificial intelligence has reached a crucial stage.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Nano-scale discovery boosts future computers
There’s nothing worse than an unseen groove or bump on a pool table that sends your shot off course: a new study has found that the same goes at the nano-scale, where the “billiard ...
Bee research might lead to machine vision breakthrough
An international research breakthrough with bees means machines might soon be able to see almost as well as humans.
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Is it a phone? No it's a laser measurement device
Pioneering new miniature laser technology which could revolutionise a future generation of mobile phones has been developed by a manufacturing business in the United Kingdom.
Speech-controlled devices: science fiction to reality
For generations, we have dreamed of machines with artificial intelligence with which we can have real conversations but, despite advances, such devices seem some way off. Now ...
Experts collaborate for brighter future in electronics
A group of leading Australian scientists has come together to develop lower-cost flexible optoelectronic solutions that could transform the Australian consumer electronics industry. ...
To infinity and beyond - supercomputers take huge leap
A tiny crystal that enables a computer to perform calculations that currently stump the world's most powerful supercomputers has been developed by an international team including ...
Computer modellers pull numbers out of sky
Researchers at The Australian National University have developed the fastest random number generator in the world by listening to the 'sounds of silence'.
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