Food & Beverage Processing Feature Articles

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More foodies but fewer people to produce Australia's food
There is an ever-increasing shortfall of young people interested in producing the nation's food – including food for export markets – according to recent figures.
The winners this festive season
It's save or splurge time again and business information analysts at IBISWorld have put together a round-up of the likely winners this silly season.
Ask the expert: are you ready for next gen barcodes?
On January 1, 2014, the GS1 DataBar becomes an open global standard, offering an alternative to existing EAN/UPC barcodes for both manufacturers and retailers. IndustrySearch's Chris ...
Cash cow: milking Australia's dairy export boom
A bidding war over Warrnambool Cheese and Butter has erupted as companies scramble to milk Australia's dairy export boom.
Australian Made welcomes preliminary report on dumped imports
The Australian Made Campaign has welcomed the preliminary report from the Anti-Dumping Commission, which finds in favour of local processors, and recommends that additional tariffs ...
Friend or foe: are supermarkets choking food manufacturers?
In spite of ongoing economic instability, food and beverage processing continues to hold its place as the powerhouse of Australian manufacturing. However in contrast to other sectors, ...
Slip resistance tests important with introduction of new standards
Ensuring that floor workspace and general traffic areas comply with the recent changes in Safety Standards is now more important than ever before.
Gas producers working with manufacturers 'could' be win-win
Australia's gas market could be made more efficient with input from the competition watchdog and with sensible regulation from the government, according to the Plastics & Chemicals ...
Carbon tax must go: industry
Groups representing small, medium and large businesses across all sectors are calling on the parliament to avoid costly delay in the repeal of the carbon tax.
Top five new exports to drive Australia's economy
Business information analysts at IBISWorld have revealed the top 5 new exports set to drive Australia's economy into the future. Topping the list are oil and gas extraction, food ...
Tax, industrial relations reforms will optimise prosperity: report
A National Productivity Policy (NPP) to review government regulation, pricing and licensing arrangements and phase out industry subsidies must be established, according to the ...
Meat processing facility solves drenching capsule metal contamination
Magnetics specialist Magnattack Global recently solved a serious issue in a large meat processing facility where tiny stainless steel fragments in meat meal were coming from a ...
Skills to grow Australia's agrifood industry
Australia's agrifood industry is in transition. It needs to build a highly skilled and adaptive workforce to capitalise on new growth opportunities.
Research into workplace LLN levels reveals "disturbing" picture
New research into levels of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) in the workplace has revealed a "disturbing" picture, Innes Willox, AiGroup chief executive has said in a recent ...
Manufacturing reaches for recovery in October: Australian PMI
The manufacturing sector reached for recovery in October with the latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ...
New approach needed for spray-drying milk: expert
Spray-drying methods for milk-based products such as baby formula or other powdered milks could be improved according to chemical engineers at the University of Sydney who have ...
Food labels a "window" into manufacturing process
Food labels provide more than just nutritional information — they're a "window" into the entire food system, according to Flinders University PhD candidate Emma Tonkin.
What Australia manufactures
Food and beverages, wood and paper products, chemicals, rubber, plastics, metal products, machinery and equipment, cars and boats, railway equipment, medical and scientific equipment, ...
Carbon trading scheme 'inevitable'
Australia will need to have a carbon trading scheme, regardless of the current federal government's position, if it is to reduce carbon emissions to the levels it has stated, according ...
China's carbon shift 'will send strong signal the world over': expert
As Australia moves to scrap its pioneering carbon-pricing scheme, China is expected to have seven pilot pricing systems in place no later than 2015, followed by a national scheme, ...
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