Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Trucks driving work-related fatality figures
Data released by Safe Work Australia in its report, "Work-related Fatalities Involving Trucks Australia 2003 to 201" shows an alarming number of Australia's truck drivers are being ...
Top business leaders to sleep rough for one night
With just four weeks to go until the 2014 Vinnies CEO Sleepout, over 900 business leaders have already registered nationally, raising close to $900,000 so far.
2014-15 federal budget overview
In its first budget, the federal government has attempted to reduce its deficit. IBISWorld forecasts the potential effects of the new federal budget on key Australian industries.
The Australian Made Campaign announces new Chairman
Glenn Cooper AM, Executive Chairman of South Australian icon Coopers Brewery Ltd, has been announced as the new Chairman of Australian Made Campaign.
Supermarkets under fire again as farmers feel the pinch
It's not a problem unique to Australia's farm sector, but supermarkets wielding their market power to the detriment of suppliers is amplified by the overwhelming dominance of our ...
Lab-on-a-chip tech 'may' transform workplace drug testing
An innovative 'lab-on-a-chip' drug testing technology could transform police roadside and workplace drug testing.
Federal budget 2014: how industry will benefit
Small to medium businesses and construction firms are set to benefit from Treasurer Joe Hockey's first budget, delivered on Tuesday (13 May).
Return to surplus in 12 months achievable: Liberal Democratic Party
The Liberal Democratic Party has released its own federal budget in an attempt to demonstrate that a return to surplus can be achieved in the next 12 months without harming the ...
Asset recycling 'paves way for better infrastructure'
The federal budget due out next week will include a "growth agenda" involving the sale of iconic assets in order to fund much-needed new infrastructure projects, reports suggest – ...
Australian PMI: manufacturing falls sharply in April
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) for April recorded its lowest reading since July 2013 with the latest seasonally adjusted ...
Fed funding increase for auto sectors 'modest but important'
An assistance fund enabling automotive industries in Victoria and South Australia steer their way through the planned mass exit of major car manufacturers has been increased to $155 ...
PM confirms construction of second Sydney airport
After a long gestation period, the controversial plan to build a second airport at Badgerys Creek in Sydney's west has finally taken off from the tarmac with construction set to ...
Training crisis threatens industry's future: AMWU
Australia risks destroying the training capacity it will need to transform manufacturing due to governments nationwide starving and dismantling TAFEs.
Trade ties with Asia 'critical' for a successful economy
On Tuesday 8 April, Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb and his South Korean counterpart, the Minister for Trade, Industry and Energy Yoon Sang-jick, formally signed the ...
Business, rice farmers beg to differ on Japan FTA
Tony Abbott announced this week (Monday, April 7) Australia had finally struck a historic trade deal with Japan, a move that will allow a number of local industries – most significantly ...
Govt plan for auto workers' future "a mess": union
The AMWU has blasted the federal and Victorian Coalition governments for deliberately stalling car industry job assistance as the clock ticks down to thousands of redundancies.
Half of Aust workers "deeply worried" about future
Half of Australian workers worry about their work, a survey by the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne has found.
Manufacturing contracts again in March: Australia PMI
The latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) contracted again in March – down 0.7 points to 47.9 (readings ...
High tax-free threshold for Australian online retailers 'unjust'
The Australian Made Campaign has expressed extreme concern at the decision by state and federal government treasurers to defer dealing with the issue of GST not applying to online ...
Exporters optimistic: Australia's international business survey
Minister for Trade and Investment Andrew Robb recently welcomed the release of Australia's International Business Survey 2014 as the most significant snapshot of Australian exporters ...
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