Commercial Cleaning & Laundry Supplies Feature Articles

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Challenging questions as the 'Asian Century' begins
Asia's boom economies, led by China and India, must overcome a series of complex challenges to guarantee the region's long-term prosperity, according to Asian Development Bank ...
Global emissions surge back after GFC
A recent spike in worldwide carbon emissions growth was caused by the rebound from the global financial crisis (GFC) and is likely to be a one-off, according to a new study from The ...
US Navy taps into Australian biofuel capabilities
Biofuel technology being developed by Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers has caught the interest of the US Navy, which is currently in Australia on an alternative ...
Vehicle fuel efficiency - where have all the savings gone?
Carmakers have made great strides in fuel efficiency in recent decades — but the mileage numbers of individual vehicles have barely increased. An MIT economist from the US explains ...
Engineers make "building blocks" of chemical industry from wood
Chemical engineers at the University of Massachusetts in the US are using a catalytic fast pyrolysis process that transforms renewable non-food biomass into petrochemicals.
Farms could yield jet fuel of the future
Ever since the Wright brothers, the aviation industry has been looking for ways to fly further faster. Now with the help of the US Department of Energy (DOE), Virent, and DOE's ...
Sustainable plastics and paints get research boost
Sustainable ways to produce plastics, foams, paints and other everyday materials could be the outcome of a $10 million, four-year project about to commence at the University of Sydney. ...
Tiny cell technology helps boost fuel economy
Ford in the United States has won a Society of Plastic Engineers award for the "Most Innovative Use of Plastics" for its MuCell instrument panel innovation on the new Ford Escape.
Resources boom impact has peaked, economists warn
The benefits of the resources boom have reached a peak, with major implications for Australia’s economy.
Unlocking IP for business
In a first for Australia, the University of New South Wales will offer the majority of its intellectual property to companies for free, in a radical step to turn more university ...
Clean-up tool for our commonest contaminants
Australia has taken a key step towards improving measures of human health risk with the release of new guidelines targeting one of our commonest sources of industrial contamination. ...
Five-year mining boom now underway: report claims
Record increases in investment and production forecast in new report, but supply side constraints will weaken economic benefit to Australia.
New battlefront opens up in gas debate
The battle to protect Australia's terrestrial environment from feared effects of coal seam gas (CSG) mining is at fever pitch.
Engineers make hydrophobic interaction discovery
A new equation developed by University of California – Santa Barbara (UCSB) chemical engineers solves the mystery of forces between water-repelling and water-attracting molecules ...
Improving photosynthesis to increase food and fuel production
Producing enough sustainable and affordable food for a growing population and replacing diminishing fossil fuels will be one of the biggest challenges facing the world in the coming ...
Carbon and tax are two different issues: ACCI
While the words "Carbon" and "Tax" seem inextricably linked in political debate they are separate issues and should be viewed as such, a group of Melbourne’s leading industry CEOs ...
CCS technology targets zero carbon emissions planet
A Curtin University postdoctoral fellow has won an international prize for his research into CO2 geo-sequestration, a process involving injecting carbon dioxide underground, which ...
Early days for Australian synthetic fuels
Synthetic fuels made from gas could be made for about half the current price of a barrel of oil - but it's early days yet for the new technology in Australia.
Synthetic biology comes of age as answer to industrial problems
Synthetic biology, while still a relatively new field, is already well advanced to deliver solutions to common industrial waste and energy challenges.
Effective biodiesel production needs time: scientists
Biodiesel is still very much in the experimental stage according to a group of Queensland scientists, who say time is needed to make the fuel substitute a widespread and effective ...
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