Electronic Components Feature Articles

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QUT research to help safer emergency aircraft landings
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) aviation researchers are developing an information system to help Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) make safer emergency landings and better ...
Atomic scale wiring to power future computers
Silicon conducting wires that are 10,000 times thinner than human hair still maintain good conducting qualities, and as such will likely power the quantum computers of the future.
Steve Jobs' legacy under fire on outsourcing jobs
It's all about Jobs. Steve Jobs. Although he was brilliant, creative and a successful CEO, he had one flaw: he outsourced Apple.
What's hot: the top 10 technology events of 2011
Here is a look at the events that made a difference to the technology world in the year 2011.
New application makes supercomputing simple
A new open source application developed at Murdoch University is giving researchers a revolutionary new way of accessing supercomputers.
Latest Wi-Fi version set for rapid adoption worldwide
Scramble for market share by big Wi-Fi chipset vendors will ensure 5GHz band, 1Gbps 802.11ac wireless technology rapidly makes its way into consumers’ home networks
Materials and miniaturisation drive sensor market over next decade
Advances in sensor technology will improve the performance, reliability, longevity and cost of devices, claims analyst.
Scientists find way to form random molecular patterns
Scientists at The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom have discovered a way to control how tiny flat molecules fit together in a seemingly random pattern.
Plasmonics lab opens up nano-toolbox
Swinburne University of Technology is set to open its new $8 million plasmonics laboratory, consolidating the university’s position as one of Australia’s leading nanophotonics research ...
OLEDs priced out of mainstream lighting until at least 2020
Despite its potential, in the medium term OLED technology will remain consigned to markets where aesthetics upstage price.
Electronic cane and pint-sized insulin pump come up trumps
An electronic cane for the vision impaired that could blitz international competitors on design and price and an insulin pump as slim as a smartphone have taken out top honours in ...
Unlocking IP for business
In a first for Australia, the University of New South Wales will offer the majority of its intellectual property to companies for free, in a radical step to turn more university ...
HDD supply constraints force notebook makers to consider alternatives
Hard Disk Drive shortages caused by worst Thai floods in half a century are likely to raise prospects for solid state drives if only for premium portable PCs.
LED performance efficiency promises energy savings
Researchers have used zinc oxide microwires to significantly improve the efficiency at which gallium nitride light-emitting diodes (LED) convert electricity to ultraviolet light.
Research could take mobile phone users off the road
To increase safety on the road, wireless researchers are looking for technologies that can passively influence the behaviour of drivers who put themselves and others at risk through ...
Modular instruments lower cost of testing complex products
A change of strategy enables engineers to customise their approach for testing smaller, faster products.
ARM processors approach two for every person on planet
An embedded low power processor, popular in portable devices, is now shipping nearly three billion units per year.
Table salt holds key to HD data recording density discovery
Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research has developed a way of increasing the data recording density of hard disks, and humble table salt is the key ingredient in ...
Learning from China's 2500 years of business ethics
China, the world’s second largest economy, has its own business ethics and doesn’t need western values forced on it, according to a leading international business academic.
CEOs told to bet big on coming mega-trends
CEOs have been told to look beyond to the current gloomy economic news, and take intelligently aggressive steps to capitalise on the mega-trends transforming business.
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