Electronic Components Feature Articles

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Ultra-small laser opens up world of possibilities
Computing and medicine are among the many fields which could be revolutionised by a new form of ultra-small laser.
Australia needs a management skills upgrade
Innovation capability is the key to Australia's future success in manufacturing and other sectors, according to Professor Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School and Andrew Liveris, ...
Supercapacitor breakthrough to drive electric car technology
Enhanced supercapacitors offer promise as alternative energy source for portable devices and electric vehicles.
'Light diode' brings all-optical silicon chip a step closer
New device can be integrated onto a chip using standard silicon manufacturing processes and could accelerate communications and computing.
New benchmark standard test for Android-powered products
Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium brings order to comparisons of smartphones and other Android OS devices with standard test method
Challenging questions as the 'Asian Century' begins
Asia's boom economies, led by China and India, must overcome a series of complex challenges to guarantee the region's long-term prosperity, according to Asian Development Bank ...
Imaging system lets camera peer around corners
A new imaging system could use opaque walls, doors or floors as 'mirrors' to gather information about scenes outside its line of sight.
Aussie research drives quantum computing forward
The future of quantum computing has taken a step forward following a groundbreaking first by scientists who have shown how a single atom can communicate with electrical circuits.
Single-atom transistor is "perfect"
In a remarkable feat of micro-engineering, University of NSW (UNSW) physicists have created a working transistor consisting of a single atom placed precisely in a silicon crystal.
Australian innovators in solar world first
In a boon for the local solar industry, a team of researchers from Swinburne University of Technology and Suntech Power Holdings have developed the world's most efficient broadband ...
New power source discovered
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and RMIT University have made a breakthrough in energy storage and power generation.
App turns smartphone into emergency beacon
Edith Cowan University (ECU) students have developed a new app which transforms a smartphone into an emergency beacon at the push of a button.
Power profiles help electronics go green
New and better ways of measuring high-tech energy consumption could lead to significant environmental and economic gains, a study from The Australian National University has found.
Atomic scale magnetic memory ‘100 times denser than hard disks’
IBM lab manipulates single atoms to create prototype memory two orders of magnitude smaller than current technology - but commercialisation is unlikely anytime soon.
Organisations push for common M2M Service Layer standard
Bodies recognise need for cooperative standards development to ensure connectivity between myriad of M2M devices in the field.
Europeans tell Australia, address solar potential now
Trade association says photovoltaic market is "at a crossroads" and can no longer rely on debt-laden Europe to drive growth.
What's hot - top technology trends for 2012 revealed
Demand for technology will buck the negative economic outlook for the year ahead, with consumers set to spend big on smartphones, tablets and computers in particular.
Quantum discovery opens way for new types of electronics
Physicists at the University of New South Wales have observed a new kind of interaction that can arise between electrons in a single-atom silicon transistor.
Lizards' tails inspire next generation robotic research
Lizards have proven inspiration for the next generation of robot research, which will ultimately lead to much more agile robots, particularly for use in search-and-rescue applications ...
Graphene rips follow path of least resistance
Rice University simulations show carbon sheets tear along energetically favorable lines.
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