Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Industry Skills Fund open for consultation
The federal government is seeking feedback on the design and implementation of the new Industry Skills Fund, the $476 million programme which will underpin Australia's sustainable ...
FWO welcomes positive feedback, addresses challenges
The Fair Work Ombudsman has welcomed the findings of a University of Melbourne research project which examined the agency's compliance work.
Govt opens $11m fund for greater Tasmania investment
The Australian Government is putting in place a 'key program' in its overall strategy to create new opportunities for investment and jobs growth in Tasmania.
Gas market reform 'huge consequences' for manufacturing
An alliance of six industry associations released on Sunday (20 July) the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of rapidly escalating gas prices on the Australian economy.
Land transport bill supports infrastructure: ALC
The Australian Logistics Council (ALC) last week (Friday 18 July) called on the Senate to pass the Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill without delay.
Carbon tax 'finally axed'
Following weeks of ambivalence, negotiation, and a marathon debate lasting more than 50 hours, Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill finally reached its parliamentary frontier when ...
Business groups welcome Carbon Tax Repeal
Three of Australia's leading groups representing businesses in critical sectors of the economy have welcomed the repeal of the carbon tax as the first step in moving towards an ...
New data underscores 'economic significance' of logistics sector
A one per cent increase in productivity in the logistics sector will increase Australia's GDP by $2 billion – that's the attention-grabbing statistic to emerge from a new report ...
2nd Mt Barker Freeway Interchange works to commence soon
The Australian and South Australian governments are getting on with building the infrastructure for the 21st century, releasing design plans for the Bald Hills Road Interchange on ...
Work-related deaths 'lowest number in 11 years'
Australian workplaces have recorded the lowest number of fatalities in 11 years, according to data released earlier this week (15 July) in the report "Work-related Traumatic Fatalities". ...
Australian transport needs productivity roadmap
The business of transport is a complicated one, and there are a host of factors that will influence the efficiency of Australia's logistics networks into the future.
Road safety: an accident waiting to happen?
Earlier this month 150 truck drivers and their families held an advance memorial for 330 people they say will die in truck-related crashes on the country's highways this year, a ...
PUP's failure to keep carbon tax promise 'will disappoint public'
Clive Palmer and his PUP senators will have much to explain to voters if it does play its part in scrapping the carbon tax this week, Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has said. ...
PUP's protest vote on carbon tax 'delays the inevitable'
A bid by the Abbott government to repeal the carbon tax earlier than originally planned has been stonewalled by Clive Palmer and his Palmer United Party senators, following their ...
'Critical' design considerations for WestConnex
Innovative tunnel designs and world class motorway management systems are the key to ensuring WestConnex is safe and delivers value to Sydney motorists, according to a new report by ...
NSW Budget emphasises 'importance of logistics'
The NSW Budget has emphasised the importance of logistics and the efficient movement of freight according to the Australian Logistics Council.
Detail of Aust-Japan free trade agreement 'critical': industry
The effects of the historic free trade agreement (FTA) with Japan should be seen by business and industry alike before the end of the year, Federal Trade Minister Andrew Robb said.
Annual heavy vehicle crashes decline: report
Annual deaths from crashes involving a heavy vehicle have decreased by nearly a third in the last decade.
Aust must guard against "BANANA" syndrome: Abbott
Paul Keating once spoke of Australia becoming a banana republic back in 1986. Now the humble fruit has become the topic of conversation again with Tony Abbott telling a conference ...
Final stage of Pacific Hwy upgrade approved
The Pacific Highway upgrade recently reached a major milestone with the NSW government announcing that planning approval had been given for the final section of the highway to be ...
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