Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Govt, building industry collaborate to increase productivity
In a national first, a Framework elevating project team integration and building information modelling to the national stage has been released as part of a joint project by the ...
Aust Construction Achievement Award 2015 finalists announced
Six project finalists will compete for the 2015 Australian Construction Achievement Award (ACAA) with one overall project winner to be selected next year at a gala dinner on Thursday ...
Super-fast drilling uses old mining techniques in new ways
Researchers are working on ways to drill mineral exploration boreholes at a fraction of the cost and time of industry standards by tweaking existing techniques and equipment.
Many Aust buildings 'vulnerable' to earthquakes
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake the size of the destructive 2011 Christchurch earthquake happens in Australia every 10 years, engineers and seismologists at the recent Australian Earthquake ...
Which industries will benefit most from Aust-China FTA?
Australia is a net exporter of both goods and services to China, and the FTA is expected to unlock billions in exports.
Industrial automation and ROI: how strong is the link?
Industrial automation is gaining traction as a needed investment for many companies. The initial capital expense can be daunting, but most companies see a return on investment (ROI) ...
More 'fine detail' needed on FTA
Concerns the signing of Australia's free trade deal with China could be opening us up to our largest trading partner have been dismissed by Trade Minister Andrew Robb.
Keeping Manufacturing Costs Down
Global competition in the manufacturing sector creates pressure to keep production costs low and productivity high. This is a difficult balance, particularly when it comes to payroll ...
5 Hot Spots for Manufacturers in the Aust-China FTA
The Australia-China FTA worth at least $18 billion is expected to be signed on Monday afternoon, however manufacturers still have "mixed feelings" about it, according to Ai Group CE ...
China FTA 'could spell disaster' without safeguards, Lib senator warns
Ahead of the imminent signing of a free trade deal with Australia's biggest trading partner, due to take place at this weekend's G20 Summit, senior Liberal senator Bill Heffernan ...
Key Steps to Writing a Workplace Safety Speech
Part of an effective safety protocol is writing a workplace safety speech that will grab workers' attention. An engaging presentation will better hold their interest and increases ...
Construction surge eases in October: Aust PCI
The national construction industry expanded for a fifth consecutive month in October but its rate of growth eased from September's record high.
Future energy demand 'can't be met without fossil fuels'
PM Tony Abbott has correctly put coal's place in true perspective by recently telling reporters it will remain the "foundation of the world's energy needs", the Minerals Council of ...
Tips for your sales team in a modern world
The fundamentals of sales haven't changed: know your product, build rapport and keep filling your pipeline. However we live in a modern world with a whole bunch of new ways to improve ...
Manufacturing 'broadly stable' in October: Aust PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) increased by 2.9 points to 49.4 in October.
Infrastructure boost needed for construction sector
Total non-residential building work and employment in the construction sector during 2014/15 and 2015/16 have been forecast to fall as resource-related project activity winds down ...
Affordable autonomous vehicle available 'within a decade'
Technology that will make an autonomous car affordable to the average-income person within a decade has been created by an international team of researchers.
Top Consumables & Accessories Industrial Businesses Need
Industrial consumables and accessories cover many shapes, sizes and applications, but one thing they have in common is their important place across a broad range of manufacturing ...
Warning issued for Aust-China FTA
Industry has urged the federal government to only proceed with an Australia-China FTA after thorough and genuine consideration has been given to the impact it will have on the local ...
Industry urges Govt to "maintain the rage" on red tape
The Government's focus on reducing industry red tape is "very encouraging", according to Australian Industry Group Chief Executive Innes Willox.
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