IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Business investment in new technologies improve performance
The latest Australian Industry Group/Deloitte National CEO report, Business Investment in New Technologies, examines business investment in new technologies over the past three years. ...
What's hot - top technology trends for 2012 revealed
Demand for technology will buck the negative economic outlook for the year ahead, with consumers set to spend big on smartphones, tablets and computers in particular.
How successful Chinese entrepreneurs really think
Can you really learn to be an entrepreneur? A new in-depth study offers fresh insights into how successful business players teach themselves to become better and better at making ...
Exploring the science behind a successful business
A Queensland University of Technology (QUT) information systems researcher aims to develop guidelines to simplify business processes to help businesses grow and operate more efficiently. ...
Steve Jobs' legacy under fire on outsourcing jobs
It's all about Jobs. Steve Jobs. Although he was brilliant, creative and a successful CEO, he had one flaw: he outsourced Apple.
What's hot: the top 10 technology events of 2011
Here is a look at the events that made a difference to the technology world in the year 2011.
New application makes supercomputing simple
A new open source application developed at Murdoch University is giving researchers a revolutionary new way of accessing supercomputers.
Latest Wi-Fi version set for rapid adoption worldwide
Scramble for market share by big Wi-Fi chipset vendors will ensure 5GHz band, 1Gbps 802.11ac wireless technology rapidly makes its way into consumers’ home networks
Securing Australia's power future
A commercial wind power forecasting system called Wind Insight is set to provide greater security to Australia’s electricity power systems.
Scientists find way to form random molecular patterns
Scientists at The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom have discovered a way to control how tiny flat molecules fit together in a seemingly random pattern.
To destroy or not, virtual material testing finds better way
Before computer modelling there was only one way to discover the limits of a metal alloy, or any other material – test it until it’s destroyed, but all that’s about to change.
Unlocking IP for business
In a first for Australia, the University of New South Wales will offer the majority of its intellectual property to companies for free, in a radical step to turn more university ...
Table salt holds key to HD data recording density discovery
Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research has developed a way of increasing the data recording density of hard disks, and humble table salt is the key ingredient in ...
Aerial infrastructure scanning program takes flight
Innovative, Australian-made technology, developed by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA), is set to become operational next month, when Ergon Energy's ...
Autonomous robots taught to think like us
A combination of two algorithms developed at MIT in the United States allows autonomous robots to execute tasks much more efficiently — and move more predictably.
Ford planning open source, affordable car technology
Ford Motor Company and an open-source hardware and software provider are teaming up to explore how to make in-car connectivity more available, affordable and personalised for the ...
ZigBee Alliance launches tenth standard: ZigBee Gateway
A new standard aims to deliver the benefits of ZigBee technology via the Internet.
Innovation report card gives Australia thumbs up
Innovative Australians are improving the things they make and the way they make them, ensuring a fairer, richer, healthier and greener future.
AI keeps aircrafts safe
Swinburne engineers have developed an inspection system based on artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and characterise internal flaws in composite materials in aircraft.
NI test outlook reveals integration, software, computing trends
Measurement and automation leader publishes its Automated Test Outlook to help engineers stay up-to-date on current technology trends.
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