Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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A 'freightfully easy' way to import cargo
Select commercial importers and customs brokers will benefit from the roll-out of a new online system for lodging imported cargo documentation, saving them time and money, according ...
6 Important Warehouse Safety Tips
Warehouses can be dangerous places - home to a variety of potential risks and hazards related to pallet racks, forklifts, heavy lifting, spills, falls, lack of adequate training and ...
Australia's competitiveness: reversing the slide
Urgent budget repair and a range of structural reforms, including labour market reform, are critical to restoring Australia's international competitiveness and future growth prospects, ...
Driving supply chain efficiency through national pallet process
A new best-practice Guideline on Pooled Equipment Management (pallets) released by the Australian Logistics Council will underpin greater efficiencies in the supply chain.
Australian PMI: manufacturing slips back in August
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) slipped back into negative territory in August, following a short-lived stabilisation in ...
Signed, sealed, delivered: $2.1bn for local roads
The Australian Government says it has delivered "another important tranche" of its infrastructure and regional development agenda with the passage of the $2.1 billion Roads to Recovery ...
Palmer apologises for offensive Q&A remarks
In an effort to repair the potential damage done by his verbal slander against the Chinese government on ABC's Q&A last week, Clive Palmer has offered a "sincere" and unadulterated ...
Biosecurity offender faces serious penalties
Investigations by the Department of Agriculture on the illegal importation of aquatic plants has resulted in the conviction and sentencing of a Queensland man who now faces time in ...
$3bn worth of transport upgrades to 'revolutionise' Perth's east
The details of two new projects, worth $3 billion combined, have recently been released in the hopes of improving east Perth's transport infrastructure.
Awards showcase 'innovation, quality' in road construction
Roads and Maritime Services has announced the 2014 winners of its annual Construction Quality Awards, acknowledging above-average efforts in self-regulation, service innovation and ...
Illawarra lives 'at risk' if road safety watchdog axed
Federal MPs Sharon Bird and Stephen Jones have been updated by the TWU on the danger of more people being injured or killed on Illawarra roads if the Federal Government succeeded in ...
Reducing project delays will deliver $160bn gain by 2025
A one-year reduction in delays in processing approvals for resources projects will lift Australia's national output by a total of $160 billion and create an extra 69,000 jobs by ...
SA's top 10 economic priorities: Premier
SA Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherill announced the state's top ten economic priorities to shape the future of the State at a CEDA forum in Adelaide.
Industry taking action to improve supply chain safety, compliance
Members of Australia's logistics industry have committed to a range of actions to strengthen supply chain safety and compliance at a one-day summit hosted by the Australian Logistics ...
Aust 'lags significantly' on innovation
Australia risks being left behind as the only country in the OECD that does not have a national science and technology, or innovation policy, an expert told a packed forum recently. ...
Govt growth fund to help automotive firms 'shift focus'
Australian automotive suppliers will be able to access assistance to diversify into other sectors with the $20 million Automotive Diversification Programme, which opened to applications ...
Shipbuilding: secure jobs, industry future 'must be focus'
The Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union is responding cautiously to speculation regarding Government considerations over the future of the AWD project and Australian shipbuilding. ...
Broken infrastructure system being 'fixed': Fed Govt
The Australian Government says it is getting on with fixing Labor's "broken infrastructure system", hosting the first industry roundtable on the Productivity Commission's inquiry ...
Manufacturing expands slightly in July: Australian PMI
The latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) edged into positive territory in July, following eight months of contraction, ...
Battery-operated column lifts offer improved workplace safety
Battery-operated cable free mobile columns lifts offer safety, efficiency, versatility and cost savings for servicing and repairs for trucks, buses and other vehicles.
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