Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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$43.1m available to create major waste facilities
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Environmental Trust are calling for applications for a share of $43.1 million to accelerate and stimulate investment in waste and ...
Man fined $36,000 for illegally dumping asbestos waste
A man has been convicted in the Land Environment Court and fined a total of $36,000 following a NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) investigation into the illegal dumping of ...
National radioactive waste management facility
The Australian Government has released a notice indicating its intention to consider opening a nationwide volunteer process for land owners to nominate land for Australia's radioactive ...
Farmers encourage Senate to pass 'one-stop shop' environmental laws
The National Farmers' Federation (NFF) has called on the Senate to pass legislation to end the duplication between state and federal native vegetation management laws.
Australian PMI: manufacturing slips back in August
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) slipped back into negative territory in August, following a short-lived stabilisation in ...
Renewable Energy Target review: a 'case for change'
The Review of the Renewable Energy Target (released 29 August) confirms that the scheme represents a 'massive transfer of wealth' within the electricity market and makes a compelling ...
Biosecurity offender faces serious penalties
Investigations by the Department of Agriculture on the illegal importation of aquatic plants has resulted in the conviction and sentencing of a Queensland man who now faces time in ...
Government 'running scared' on solar campaign
The extraordinary outburst from the Environment Minister, Greg Hunt, on ABC Brisbane radio (Thursday 21 August) in responding to the Save Solar campaign shows how out of touch the ...
SA's top 10 economic priorities: Premier
SA Premier the Hon. Jay Weatherill announced the state's top ten economic priorities to shape the future of the State at a CEDA forum in Adelaide.
Aust 'lags significantly' on innovation
Australia risks being left behind as the only country in the OECD that does not have a national science and technology, or innovation policy, an expert told a packed forum recently. ...
Manufacturing expands slightly in July: Australian PMI
The latest Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) edged into positive territory in July, following eight months of contraction, ...
Industry Skills Fund open for consultation
The federal government is seeking feedback on the design and implementation of the new Industry Skills Fund, the $476 million programme which will underpin Australia's sustainable ...
FWO welcomes positive feedback, addresses challenges
The Fair Work Ombudsman has welcomed the findings of a University of Melbourne research project which examined the agency's compliance work.
Govt opens $11m fund for greater Tasmania investment
The Australian Government is putting in place a 'key program' in its overall strategy to create new opportunities for investment and jobs growth in Tasmania.
Alliance calls for release of COAG container deposit scheme report
An alliance of Australia's top business associations has called for a COAG report – the Packaging Impacts Decision Regulation Impact Statement (DRIS), prepared for the nation's ...
Gas market reform 'huge consequences' for manufacturing
An alliance of six industry associations released on Sunday (20 July) the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of rapidly escalating gas prices on the Australian economy.
Carbon tax 'finally axed'
Following weeks of ambivalence, negotiation, and a marathon debate lasting more than 50 hours, Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill finally reached its parliamentary frontier when ...
Business groups welcome Carbon Tax Repeal
Three of Australia's leading groups representing businesses in critical sectors of the economy have welcomed the repeal of the carbon tax as the first step in moving towards an ...
Groundwater purchases in Qld Central Condamine Alluvium open
The Australian Government has announced the opening of Commonwealth groundwater purchases in the Queensland Central Condamine Alluvium.
'Flawed' drink recycling tax scheme slammed by COAG
Australian consumers will be forced to pay as much as $8 billion under a container recycling scheme that is being considered by state governments.
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