Workplace Safety Equipment Feature Articles

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'Urgent' inquiry needed into building product compliance & fire safety
Fire Protection Association Australia (FPA Australia), the peak body for the fire protection industry, is calling for an urgent review of the surveillance and auditing of building ...
4 Ways Quality Construction Equipment Equals Improved Efficiency
How can we do things faster and more efficiently? That's the million dollar question facing construction bosses. Or in plenty of cases, the multimillion dollar question.
Industry at centre of new training development arrangements
The Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, has announced new arrangements for training product development at the Australian Industry Group in ...
Hire or buy? Solving the commercial equipment dilemma
Whether you run a long established company or you're building a new one from the ground up, there's the same recurring question: 'Should I buy it or hire it?'
6 Benefits of Regular One-to-One Staff Meetings
Right now you're probably spinning in your swivel chair at the mere thought of that headline. What? One-on-one meetings with all my staff? Correct.
Manufacturing falters despite lift in exports: Australian PMI
The performance of the Australian manufacturing sector continued to falter in March, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ...
4 Simple Ways to Improve Warehouse Packing Efficiency
How often do you review your packing procedures? For far too many warehouses it's about once a century. And for most it's the same old problem – we haven't got time to stop and review ...
How to create an evacuation procedure
It happens. And it happens far too often. Disaster can strike any business at any time, and does. The best advice is to expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything.
How to hone your eye for talent in the interview process
Job interviews, they make or break careers; they can be the beginning of dreams and the stuff of nightmares. Yet they are an essential cog in the business machine, generating the ...
Drug testing 'important' for construction safety
The CFMEU's belated commitment to consistent calls for the acceptance of mandatory drug and alcohol tests on building sites is welcome but raises questions about the sincerity of ...
4 Top Safety Ideas When Working at Heights
As a rule, heights and humans don't mix, largely due to a rather inconvenient phenomenon called gravity. When your workers are required to confront gravity with above ground work, ...
How to encourage team members to take ownership of goals
You can see it. It's there, but it's not quite there. It's happening, but somehow it's only sort of happening. It's getting success, but it's not giving anyone real satisfaction.
Intergenerational report heralds the 'age of the senior'
The release of the Intergenerational Report confirms the Government's continued intention to cut the age pension, and highlights the need for more focus on combating age discrimination ...
Services sector expands for first time in a year: Australian PSI
The services sector expanded for the first time in 12 months in February, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI) improving by ...
Risky business: the safest and riskiest industries in 2015-16
As the Australian economy enters a period of uncertainty characterised by falling capital expenditure on mining, a shrinking manufacturing sector and soft consumer spending, IBISWorld ...
Imported food safety checking 'a disgrace'
The hepatitis scare from frozen mixed berries from China and Chile highlighted the lax standards on testing imported food and the urgency for clearer labelling laws, the AMWU warned ...
Knowledge lost as older workers leave workforce
According to a report on older workers, less than a quarter of the respondents to a survey of human resource professionals say that their organisation takes routine steps to capture ...
Tips for a Safer Warehouse in 2015
It's not hard to see why accidents happen in warehouses. Trucks are pouring in and out of docks and being loaded and unloaded. Forklifts are flying around with tons of stock on ...
How to create a positive construction site environment
Construction sites are intrinsically stressful places to work with a stockpile of daily deadlines and all kinds of skilled and unskilled workers to mastermind through onsite issues ...
How to create a positive warehouse environment
It's a fact: happy workers are productive workers. They're more focussed, make less mistakes, have less accidents and are far more likely to be long serving, loyal employees.
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