IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Smartphone users at risk of phone hacking
Smartphone users who remotely check their emails are at risk of online hackers gaining access to their devices, ECU researcher Peter Hannay has found.
Workaholics can't compensate for unhappy home life
People who try to deal with an unhappy home life by investing more time and effort at work are deluding themselves, according to a new study recently published by the British Journal ...
Is social media the missing link for farmers?
According to University of Canberra researchers, social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook might be the best tools for Murray-Darling farmers to communicate with government ...
Workplace cyber bullying becoming more widespread
Cyber bullying – using modern communications such as e-mails, texts or web-postings - is as common in the workplace as ‘conventional’ bullying. Yet, the way cyber bullying influences ...
Helping computers to see
Driverless cars, robotic mining, smart 'event alarm' CCTV and even at-home stroke rehabilitation - this is the world where computers can see, being made possible by researchers like ...
Using intuitive learning to get to grips with gadgets
QUT researchers have found the reasons why parents and grandparents often complain their children can pick up a gadget and use it straight away or that they need them to set up the ...
The anatomy of an economic crash
A senior computing researcher at Charles Sturt University (CSU) has shown complexity theory can help improve our understanding of how big economic changes such as the global financial ...
The price is not right: Aussies gouged on digital products
A leading expert on intellectual property and consumer rights at The Australian National University has called for a range of legislative and regulatory changes to help stop unjustified ...
Breakthrough in bid to create first quantum computer
A research team led by Australian engineers has created the first working quantum bit based on a single atom in silicon, opening the way to ultra-powerful quantum computers of the ...
Digital stress and strain: the paperless office as a workplace hazard
Office workers from all professions are experiencing unprecedented levels of neck, back, shoulder and arm pain as an unintended consequence of the paperless office, according to new ...
Climbing the intelligence stairway
Founding engineer of Skype and philosopher of modern technology, Jaan Tallinn, believes the impact of artificial intelligence has reached a crucial stage.
The hunt is on for Australia's brightest sparks
The search is on again for the nation’s greatest ideas – in fields from environmental science to education – through the $70,000 The Australian Innovation Challenge awards.
Is it a phone? No it's a laser measurement device
Pioneering new miniature laser technology which could revolutionise a future generation of mobile phones has been developed by a manufacturing business in the United Kingdom.
Speech-controlled devices: science fiction to reality
For generations, we have dreamed of machines with artificial intelligence with which we can have real conversations but, despite advances, such devices seem some way off. Now ...
To infinity and beyond - supercomputers take huge leap
A tiny crystal that enables a computer to perform calculations that currently stump the world's most powerful supercomputers has been developed by an international team including ...
Computer modellers pull numbers out of sky
Researchers at The Australian National University have developed the fastest random number generator in the world by listening to the 'sounds of silence'.
Australia needs a management skills upgrade
Innovation capability is the key to Australia's future success in manufacturing and other sectors, according to Professor Roy Green, Dean of the UTS Business School and Andrew Liveris, ...
New benchmark standard test for Android-powered products
Embedded Microprocessor Benchmark Consortium brings order to comparisons of smartphones and other Android OS devices with standard test method
App turns smartphone into emergency beacon
Edith Cowan University (ECU) students have developed a new app which transforms a smartphone into an emergency beacon at the push of a button.
Power profiles help electronics go green
New and better ways of measuring high-tech energy consumption could lead to significant environmental and economic gains, a study from The Australian National University has found.
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