Feature Articles for Australian Industry

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New type of plastic conducts like metal
A newly discovered technique makes it possible to create a whole new array of plastics with metallic or even superconducting properties.
Indicators are showing a struggling economy
The question lingering over the latest bout of weak economic figures is whether they have been depressed temporarily by adverse weather or reveal a longer-lasting economic malaise.
Fighting plastics waste & consumption in agriculture
Agriculture is the sixth largest consumer of plastic products in Australia, with annual consumption as high as 180,000 tonnes.
Bioplastics industry gathers pace in Australia
It might sound wildly futuristic but producing plastic from plants is already an established industry and while it’s at present a niche sector, the short-term growth prospects are ...
Easy for arthritis, safe for kids
A UNSW industrial design student has come up with an award-winning creation that could make hard-to-open pill bottles a thing of the past for people with restricting conditions such ...
Can plastics generate electricity?
Feature of the week: It's been said that if you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door.
Dealing with waste EPS
Feature of the week: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is an integral part of the daily consumer cycle.
The high price of work stress
Excessive pressure at work is costing Australia's economy $730 million a year due to job-stress related depression, a University of Melbourne and VicHealth report has revealed.
A water bottle you can compost
If Sara Spence has her way, you won't be throwing out the plastic bottle she's designed – even though it is compostable.
A silver alternative for plastics processor
Feature of the week: Three thousand years ago the Phoenicians stored their drinking water in silver vessels to delay the onset of spoilage.
The gulf that separates consultants & manufacturers
Feature of the week: Keith Monaghan was not impressed. The president of the Plastics Industry Manufacturers of Australia (PIMA) had just picked up the phone. A consultant was on the ...
Environmental policy – where do the parties stand?
Feature of the week: All three major political parties have now laid out their environmental credentials for the upcoming election, and although all promise action, there are wide ...
Waste management's rennaissance period
Feature of the week: The national boom in recycling is leading to a renaissance of the waste management industry, as firms open new facilities to deal with new types of material ...
Livestock science in a muffin tin
It’s not often you find a muffin tray in a lab, but scientists at the University of Waikato are nothing if not resourceful.
Gold particles change plastic
Durable paint, water purification, faster computers, tougher shoe soles, and lighter and cheaper televisions are all possibilities now that a Queensland University of Technology ...
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