Manufacturing & Industrial Equipment Feature Articles

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Official Australian energy statistics now available
Energy consumption in Australia increased by 1 per cent in 2016-17, according to the 2018 Australian Energy Statistics, released by the Department of the Environment and Energy. ...
Manufacturing materials of the future – smart composites
Manufacturing materials are undergoing a huge change, particularly with the advent of composite materials that include components such as carbon fibre and graphene.
How a waterjet cutter can make your business more profitable
We're not talking controlling expenses, increasing product margins or building a new website.
Manufacturing continues to grow in August, despite drought impacts
The Australian PMI® climbed 4.7 points to 56.7 in August, indicating faster growth across the manufacturing sector (readings above 50 indicate expansion in activity, with the distance ...
25 million population – Australians need coordination and confidence
"With Australia hitting the 25 million population mark on August 7 it is a good time to consider both the benefits of our population growth and whether we are planning properly for ...
Manufacturing growth slows in July: Australian PMI®
The Australian PMI® fell 5.4 points to 52.0 in July, indicating continuing but slower growth across the manufacturing sector (readings above 50 indicate expansion in activity, with ...
The expanding $200 billion Australian industry
The Government is investing $200 billion to modernise Australia’s defence capability. Australian businesses, large and small, will be essential to delivering these new capabilities. ...
Manufacturers close financial year on a high: Australian PMI®
The Australian PMI® ended the financial year on a high note, down just 0.1 point to 57.4 to record a 21st month of continuous expansion (readings above 50 indicate expansion in ...
Confidence grows for the future in manufacturing and VET
The June 26 National Manufacturing Summit has shone a spotlight on the role the vocational education and training system plays in supporting the future of the manufacturing sector ...
New focus on apprenticeships and traineeships as opportunities grow
New South Wales is poised to drive growth in apprenticeship and traineeship numbers, with areas of high demand like the construction industry, food services, and allied health likely ...
Debunking the casualisation and job insecurity myths
The Australian Industry Group released a June 19 research paper which again debunks the persistent myth perpetrated by the ACTU that job insecurity and casualisation of work are ...
Manufacturing recovers well, contributes to national growth and jobs
"Official data has confirmed this year's strong performance for the manufacturing industry. We have already seen this in over 20 months of Ai Group's Australian PMI®, which is an ...
Manufacturing grows for 20th successive month: Australian PMI®
The Australian PMI® eased by 0.8 points to 57.5 in May, indicating a 20th month of continuous growth, albeit at a slightly slower rate (readings above 50 indicate expansion in ...
Increase to minimum wage puts jobs in small business at risk
Small business risks being pushed further out of the economy by the Fair Work Commission’s decision to lift minimum and award wages by 3.5% – the ninth year in a row in which minimum ...
19th place not good enough: need to reclaim Australian competitiveness
“The small improvement in Australia’s competitiveness ranking – from 21st to 19th – is welcome, but the fact is we should be doing better.
Economic analysis of the reasons behind Australia's slow wage growth
The Australian Industry Group recently released a new Economics Research Paper on Australia's experience of slow wages growth and its causes.
Countdown begins to National Manufacturing Week 2018
With less than a fortnight to go until National Manufacturing Week (NMW) 2018 opens its doors at Sydney Showground, more than 200 leading companies and 50 world-class speakers have ...
Manufacturing remains buoyant in April: Australian PMI®
The Australian PMI® fell 4.8 points to 58.3 in April, indicating a slower – but still buoyant – rate of expansion following March’s record high (readings above 50 indicate expansion ...
Ai Group pre-budget survey reveals top business priorities
"The latest annual Ai Group pre-Budget survey of Australian businesses has found that reducing the high company tax burden is the highest priority for business in the 2018-19 Federal ...
Building resilience in Australia's volatile manufacturing environment
Australia is currently home to one of the most volatile manufacturing industries in the world. Opportunities for companies to protect themselves against these economic ups and downs ...
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