Electronic Components Feature Articles

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How to avoid economic bubbles and crashes
By using methods developed to study the interactions of particles and applying them to economics, researchers at the University of Sydney have shown that small changes can create a ...
New material holds big energy hope
A new material that can store large amounts of energy with very little energy loss has been developed by researchers at ANU.
To stay or not to stay – that is the employee question
What makes employees leave or stay in organisations and how organisations can improve employee retention is the focus of a public lecture being held at the University of South ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2013-14
As Australian companies begin the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to soar and sink in 2013-14.
Forced labour legislation puts employers on notice
An immigrant cook is put to work in appalling conditions, for 14 hours a day, seven days a week, and not paid a cent. Is that slavery? Criminal exploitation? Not necessarily.
What are passwords really made of?
I just did a count of the systems I use that require a password and gave up at 40. I know I’m not alone; for many of us, it often seems we have too many passwords to manage.
New horizons for Australia's manufacturing industry
To be headquartered at Monash University, a new manufacturing innovation precinct, which will help drive the resurgence of the industry, has been announced by the Australian Government. ...
Star Wars robots 'may' become real
Star Wars robots like R2-D2 and C-3PO may one day be real, according to world-leading boffins at Australia's peak science body.
Towards a quantum internet
A UNSW-led team of researchers has achieved a breakthrough that brings the prospect of a network of ultra-powerful quantum computers – connected via a quantum internet – closer to ...
New battery holds even more potential for the electric car
Ditching petrol for a clean-tech electric car sounds like an earth-saving move in theory. But if your charge is going to run out half way through your journey, it's not very practical ...
Innovation, education now needed in China's development
Kamel Mellahi, Professor of Strategic Management at Warwick Business School, has warned China has to boost innovation if it is to stop the slowdown in its economy and prevent it ...
Quantum computing taps nucleus of single atom
A team of Australian engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has demonstrated a quantum bit based on the nucleus of a single atom in silicon, promising dramatic ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
Workplace discrimination cuts deep across Australia: report
Nearly a million Australians feel their boss has discriminated against them over recent years, a new University of Melbourne study has found.
The world's internet traffic – on a single fibre
Engineers have optimised the carrying capacity of fibre optic cable, providing a way to boost the performance of networks like the NBN.
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
China producing more, polluting less: study
Research into a decade of development in China provides little support for the so-called 'pollution haven' hypothesis.
Super nanowire composite solves 'valley of death' riddle
In a world first, a team of researchers from Australia, China and the US has created a super strong metallic composite by harnessing the extraordinary mechanical properties of ...
New technique to transform precious metal recovery
Murdoch University researchers have come up with a new approach to make the recovery of high value precious metals faster and more economically viable.
UK manufacturing, factories get smarter
Research at The University of Nottingham in the UK that could help the manufacturing industry to remain competitive by evolving to meet future challenges is in line for a multi-million ...
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