IT Software & Applications Feature Articles

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Making memories brings quantum computers closer
A breakthrough which brings us closer to solving problems more complex than any current supercomputer can address, in codebreaking, physics, and clean energy, has been achieved by ...
Online industries posting astronomical growth
Over the past decade, Australia's increasing reliance on new technologies has brought with it forecasts for the demise of many industries.
Cyber risks for those with heads in the cloud
Australian computer users and businesses are being warned to consider more closely the risks associated with cloud computing, as well as its many advantages.
What are passwords really made of?
I just did a count of the systems I use that require a password and gave up at 40. I know I’m not alone; for many of us, it often seems we have too many passwords to manage.
Towards a quantum internet
A UNSW-led team of researchers has achieved a breakthrough that brings the prospect of a network of ultra-powerful quantum computers – connected via a quantum internet – closer to ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
Digital foam technology transforms HMIs
UniSA researcher Dr Ross Smith has presented his digital foam technology at the recent Mini Maker Faire in Adelaide.
The world's internet traffic – on a single fibre
Engineers have optimised the carrying capacity of fibre optic cable, providing a way to boost the performance of networks like the NBN.
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
A high-flying future for Australian manufacturing
The Monash Centre for Additive Manufacturing (M-CAM), built to drive the establishment of high-end, waste-free, tailored manufacturing for the aerospace industry was launched in ...
Building Australia's future with a 'creative' economy
Growth in the creative economy is one way Australia can offset the impact of a slowdown in mineral and commodity exports, according to Stuart Cunningham, an eminent researcher and ...
Push for privacy irrelevant in tech savvy world
There is no right to privacy, in fact the push for more rights to privacy is irrelevant in the face of social media and technological advances, Deakin University’s Head of the Law ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
'Digital bathroom mirror' tech closer to reality
It may seem like something from science fiction, but pretty soon you'll be reading your favourite newspaper in a digital device embedded in your bathroom mirror and then polish off ...
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
Augmented reality for mobile phones a step closer
A grant worth $122,000 has been awarded to researchers at the University of South Australia, to develop augmented reality (AR) technology on mobile phones.
Global tech giants invest in talking cars technology
Adelaide 'car-to-car' communications technology company Cohda Wireless has attracted a substantial, undisclosed investment deal from global networking equipment firm Cisco Systems ...
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
Industries to fly and fall in 2013
As Australian companies prepare for the New Year ahead, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the five industries expected to soar and the five expected to sink in 2013. ...
Who knows where you are and when?
Australians love their GPS' and mobile location apps, but do they understand what’s happening as they go from A to B?
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