Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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India-Aust trade push 'another win' for bilateralism
Australia's trade mission to India under Andrew Robb last week provided a much-needed impetus to conclude an Australia-India free trade agreement in 2015 – another APAC victory for ...
Why you need a Job Description for each employee
It is not uncommon for employees to see their Job Description during the interview and initiation, yet never set eyes upon it again. However, this is a wasted opportunity that could ...
Transport job index shows end-of-year decline
The January edition of Labourforce Job Index showed a decline for hiring intentions toward the end of 2014 for the transport and logistics industry, however heading into the new year ...
GM boss' Holden comments slammed
Claims made earlier in the week by GM boss Stefan Jacoby about Holden's shut-down have received a mix response.
Industries set to fall in 2015
As Australian companies enter the new year, there are a few industries for which 2015 may well turn out to be annus horribilis.
Industries set to fly in 2015
As Australian companies enter the new year, business information analysts reveal the industries expected to soar.
Well-connected workers 'able to adapt' to negative change
Contrary to popular belief, some workers can adapt well to pressures caused by changes in the workplace, new research has suggested.
Manufacturing slips back into contraction
An indication of another contraction in conditions across the manufacturing sector, the Ai Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) fell by 3.2 points to ...
How to choose the forklift you need
Finding the forklift your plant needs can be a complex process. The right machine has the potential to increase productivity and lower operational costs, while the wrong lift can ...
Anti-dumping reforms establish 'level playing field' for Aust firms
The federal government is strengthening Australia's anti-dumping system with a range of reforms to ensure Australian industry is in the strongest position to compete on a level ...
Shaky Budget at mercy of commodity price windfall: MYEFO
A third term of Coalition government would bring the Budget back to surplus, figures from the federal government's Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) released on Monday ...
Korea-Aust FTA 'early Christmas gift' for local firms
Australian businesses can now take full advantage of opportunities with the nation's fourth largest trading partner, with the Korea–Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) entering ...
World's first international compliance standard published
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published on 5 December the world's first international standard for compliance management, ISO 19600 Compliance Management ...
Aust 'worst-performing developed nation': global climate survey
Australia's actions against climate change have seen us ranked the worst-performing developed nation in a survey by European non-governmental organisations.
Toyota shutdown sees two-thirds of local workforce axed
Toyota Australia's plan to end local manufacturing operations by 2017 will see the axing of two-thirds of its workforce – from 3900 to around 1300, according to a statement released ...
GDP data reveals stark truth about Aust's economic growth
Recent GDP data suggests the Australian economy is considerably weaker than many commentators and policy-makers have been willing to acknowledge.
New Year's Countdown: Top 8 Resolutions for Business Success
We've ticked off another Financial Year and now we're fast counting down to a change of calendar. While the New Year and personal resolutions go hand in hand, could your business ...
Napping on nightshift 'can put workers at risk'
Sleeping on the job is a necessary reality for many nightshift workers, but a new study suggests that instead of providing an energy boost, a night-time nap might put workers at risk. ...
Manufacturing 'edges ahead' in November: Aust PMI
The Ai Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) increased by a marginal 0.7 points to 50.1 in November.
Which industries will benefit most from Aust-China FTA?
Australia is a net exporter of both goods and services to China, and the FTA is expected to unlock billions in exports.
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