Workplace Equipment Feature Articles

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Research review focuses on growth through innovation, collaboration
An updated and more targeted Cooperative Research Centres Programme will build stronger connections between research and industry, as the Australian Government implements the findings ...
Manufacturing contraction eases in April: Australian PMI
Activity across the Australian manufacturing sector contracted for a fifth consecutive month in April, although the pace of contraction eased, with the Australian Industry Group ...
Chief Scientist's research highlights importance of STEM skills
"The latest research from the Office of the Chief Scientist released today (29 April) highlights the growing importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) ...
How to reduce the waste of waiting
In daily life, waiting is inevitable; we wait for trains, we wait even longer for planes and longer again for doctors. The time we spend waiting is mostly out of our control, we are ...
Industry at centre of new training development arrangements
The Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, has announced new arrangements for training product development at the Australian Industry Group in ...
'Country to company' missions key to Australian SME growth
Australian businesses would benefit enormously if Government trade and investment strategies focused more on "country to company" facilitation, the Chairman of the Australian Advanced ...
Hire or buy? Solving the commercial equipment dilemma
Whether you run a long established company or you're building a new one from the ground up, there's the same recurring question: 'Should I buy it or hire it?'
How to buy the right small business computers
Computers are the engine room of any business. Too small and you'll roll along pleasantly enough, but your competitors will sail on by.
6 Benefits of Regular One-to-One Staff Meetings
Right now you're probably spinning in your swivel chair at the mere thought of that headline. What? One-on-one meetings with all my staff? Correct.
Manufacturing falters despite lift in exports: Australian PMI
The performance of the Australian manufacturing sector continued to falter in March, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ...
How to create an evacuation procedure
It happens. And it happens far too often. Disaster can strike any business at any time, and does. The best advice is to expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything.
What to look for in an overseas manufacturing partner
So you've got a great new product you believe is going to turn the Australian market on its head and maybe even do some decent business worldwide. Now you're looking for someone to ...
How to encourage team members to take ownership of goals
You can see it. It's there, but it's not quite there. It's happening, but somehow it's only sort of happening. It's getting success, but it's not giving anyone real satisfaction.
Minerals exports 'continue to support' Australian economy
The December Quarter National Accounts confirm the ongoing contribution of minerals exports to economic growth in Australia, according to Minerals Council of Australia.
Softer conditions continue in construction: Australian PCI
The national construction industry contracted for a fourth consecutive month in February, with the Australian Industry Group/Housing Industry Association Australian Performance of ...
Services sector expands for first time in a year: Australian PSI
The services sector expanded for the first time in 12 months in February, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI) improving by ...
Weak domestic demand hits manufacturing: Australian PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) fell by 3.6 points to 45.4 in February, indicating a third consecutive month of contraction ...
Risky business: the safest and riskiest industries in 2015-16
As the Australian economy enters a period of uncertainty characterised by falling capital expenditure on mining, a shrinking manufacturing sector and soft consumer spending, IBISWorld ...
VET legislation a 'welcome support' for Australia's industry
The Vocational Education and Training (VET) legislation being introduced to the Federal Parliament is a welcome step in the Government's training system reform agenda, says Australian ...
Knowledge lost as older workers leave workforce
According to a report on older workers, less than a quarter of the respondents to a survey of human resource professionals say that their organisation takes routine steps to capture ...
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