Transport & Logistic Equipment Feature Articles

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Employment market easing in transport, logistics, supply chain sector
The employment market is easing in the transport, logistics and supply chain sector, according to the Labourforce March 2015 Job Index.
Industry welcomes 'long-awaited' automotive funding decision
The Australian Industry Group has welcomed the "sensible decision" by the Federal Government to maintain $500 million in vital funding to the automotive industry to 2017 through the ...
5 Tips for Effective Fleet Management in 2015
Do you manage a fleet of vehicles? Or do you buy them when you need them, sell them when you don't and maintain them while you have them? If you do the latter, chances are you're ...
New fines in place to stop littering from vehicles
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is warning people to think twice before tossing rubbish from their cars or trucks after new minimum $250 fines came into place, for ...
Services sector expands for first time in a year: Australian PSI
The services sector expanded for the first time in 12 months in February, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI) improving by ...
Weak domestic demand hits manufacturing: Australian PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) fell by 3.6 points to 45.4 in February, indicating a third consecutive month of contraction ...
Risky business: the safest and riskiest industries in 2015-16
As the Australian economy enters a period of uncertainty characterised by falling capital expenditure on mining, a shrinking manufacturing sector and soft consumer spending, IBISWorld ...
Knowledge lost as older workers leave workforce
According to a report on older workers, less than a quarter of the respondents to a survey of human resource professionals say that their organisation takes routine steps to capture ...
How to Create a Positive Small Office Environment
Or, to put it another way: how to create an atmosphere that will put your small office on the fast track to being a big office.
How to create a positive warehouse environment
It's a fact: happy workers are productive workers. They're more focussed, make less mistakes, have less accidents and are far more likely to be long serving, loyal employees.
How to create a positive work environment
First a disclaimer: this headline is not suggesting your workplace isn't a positive place already.
Productivity lift needed to 'protect living standards'
Lifting productivity must become a priority in 2015 or gains in our standard of living could be significantly eroded as the terms of trade continue to decline and our population ...
'Not time to panic' over volatile unemployment numbers
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) January Labour Force numbers have seen a decline in full time jobs and an increase in part time jobs that was to be expected, according to ...
Less red tape for local firms with Intellectual Property law reform
An Act which simplifies aspects of Australia's Intellectual Property system will mean Australian businesses have less red tape to deal with when protecting their hard-won intellectual ...
Your Essential Product Importing Checklist
If you're about to embark on an importing venture for the first time, it's not as easy as buying some goods and sticking them on a boat. Successful importers are meticulous importers. ...
Lower Aussie dollar boosts manufacturing sector in Jan
There were broadly stable conditions across the manufacturing sector in January with the Ai Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index increasing by 2.1 points to 49.0.
7 Recycling Tips for Manufacturing Facilities
Recycling might seem like a great way for your entire workforce to dither about depositing bits of glass, plastic, paper and metal in bins instead of actually working, but it's simply ...
Second Syd airport: new guidelines to address pollution concerns
A set of guidelines for the environmental impact assessment of a second Sydney airport will address any new noise and air pollution concerns, the federal government has said in a ...
When is it time to ditch the couriers and buy a truck?
As a small business grows by accruing more customers and larger orders, it needs to develop methods to cope with the increased demand. One area that deserves attention is the effective ...
Leaked review examines sweeping changes to workplace law
The timing of a massive review by the federal government of workplace laws, which will place penalty rates, the minimum wage and workplace flexibility under the microscope, has placed ...
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