Feature Articles for Australian Industry

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To stay or not to stay – that is the employee question
What makes employees leave or stay in organisations and how organisations can improve employee retention is the focus of a public lecture being held at the University of South ...
Industries to fly and fall in 2013-14
As Australian companies begin the new financial year, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the industries set to soar and sink in 2013-14.
Clever, cleaner plastics to transform polymer industry
Biomolecular engineers at the University of Sydney are creating cleaner, more cost-effective PPC polymers that promise to transform the biodegradable polymer industry.
Ford closures inevitable in fuel efficient world
A researcher at the Griffith Business School has described Ford Australia’s closures as tragic but inevitable.
There is no future for Australian car makers
Government assistance to prop-up Australian car manufacturing is a waste of taxpayers’ money according to Charles Sturt University (CSU) researcher Professor Kishor Sharma who said ...
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism'
Conservatism not charisma is the vital ingredient for a successful business leader, a new study claims.
Workplace discrimination cuts deep across Australia: report
Nearly a million Australians feel their boss has discriminated against them over recent years, a new University of Melbourne study has found.
Understanding unions in workplaces
The big challenge for unions in Australia today is to become more involved in the broader scope of bargaining, according to an internationally recognised trade union academic currently ...
The three pillars of manufacturing reform for 2013
In the past year, there has been significant progress made on some reforms to support Australia's manufacturing sector, notably in the anti-dumping area.
UK manufacturing, factories get smarter
Research at The University of Nottingham in the UK that could help the manufacturing industry to remain competitive by evolving to meet future challenges is in line for a multi-million ...
Family business operators 'failing to plan for future'
Australian family business operators are increasing their risk of insolvency by failing to plan for the future, according to Antony de Vries, a Sydney insolvency expert.
How to sustain productivity with fewer staff
Unemployment rates in Australia have significantly hiked from 5.2 per cent last year to the current level of 5.4 per cent. Job advertisements have slumped to their lowest level in ...
A cooler planet by design
From hot property to unwanted waste: it's time to rethink the way we design, produce and reuse new products.
Industries to fly and fall in 2013
As Australian companies prepare for the New Year ahead, business information analysts at IBISWorld reveal the five industries expected to soar and the five expected to sink in 2013. ...
Our plastics will pollute oceans for hundreds of years
Australia’s plastic garbage has made its way into every ocean in the world. New research shows that it doesn’t matter where in the world plastic garbage enters the ocean, it can end ...
Bottled beverage sales expected to grow despite call for bans
Health experts across the United States and Australia have highlighted soft drinks as one of the culprits for their places as the first and second ranking countries respectively in ...
How the carbon tax works
Carbon pricing is essentially about ensuring the economy can grow without emissions growing at the same time.
Fighting fires with computer modelling
Through advanced computer modelling of house fires, mechanical engineers at UNSW are giving fire fighters a new suite of tools to investigate and battle dangerous blazes in time for ...
Usability key to research commercialisation
"There is no such thing as a good idea." It may seem an unorthodox message coming from the head of one of Australia’s most successful technology transfer offices (TTO) but Anthony ...
Waterjet milling: transforming complex structure manufacturing
A high-tech, precision, water jet milling control system which could transform the manufacture of complex structures is being developed by a team of engineers led by The University ...
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