Waste Treatment & Environmental Management Feature Articles

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6 Benefits of Regular One-to-One Staff Meetings
Right now you're probably spinning in your swivel chair at the mere thought of that headline. What? One-on-one meetings with all my staff? Correct.
Energy: competition and productivity 'positive', certainty yet to come
The long awaited Energy White Paper contains some important initiatives to promote competition in the gas market and encourage more productive use of energy, but critical issues for ...
How to create an evacuation procedure
It happens. And it happens far too often. Disaster can strike any business at any time, and does. The best advice is to expect the unexpected and be prepared for anything.
How to hone your eye for talent in the interview process
Job interviews, they make or break careers; they can be the beginning of dreams and the stuff of nightmares. Yet they are an essential cog in the business machine, generating the ...
How to select the right blower for aeration in wastewater treatment
What blower you choose depends significantly upon the requirements of your plant. With claims that positive displacement screw blowers and turbo blowers are up to 35 percent more ...
Industry welcomes changed Wind Farm Laws
"Ai Group welcomes the Victorian Government’s reforms to wind farm planning laws, which are a sensible balance and will be a positive for industry and energy users," Australian ...
How to encourage team members to take ownership of goals
You can see it. It's there, but it's not quite there. It's happening, but somehow it's only sort of happening. It's getting success, but it's not giving anyone real satisfaction.
Aluminium sector urges Government and Labor to end RET crisis
The Australian Aluminium Council has called on the Australian Government and Australian Labor Party to resolve the Renewable Energy Target (RET) crisis, and provide much needed ...
New fines in place to stop littering from vehicles
The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is warning people to think twice before tossing rubbish from their cars or trucks after new minimum $250 fines came into place, for ...
Services sector expands for first time in a year: Australian PSI
The services sector expanded for the first time in 12 months in February, with the Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Services Index (Australian PSI) improving by ...
Risky business: the safest and riskiest industries in 2015-16
As the Australian economy enters a period of uncertainty characterised by falling capital expenditure on mining, a shrinking manufacturing sector and soft consumer spending, IBISWorld ...
Patties Foods explains testing process on product from China
In response to consumer and media enquiries regarding safety testing on its fruit and berry products imported from China, Patties Foods MD & CEO, Steven Chaur, issued the following ...
Knowledge lost as older workers leave workforce
According to a report on older workers, less than a quarter of the respondents to a survey of human resource professionals say that their organisation takes routine steps to capture ...
Wave energy milestone demonstrates 'Australian ingenuity'
In an Australian-first, wave energy is supplying electricity to the national grid as a result of Australia's investment in a broad range of renewable energy technologies.
Alternative water desalination system receives research grant
RMIT research into an alternative water desalination and irrigation system based on clean thermal energy will be boosted thanks to a $132,000 grant from the Australia-India Strategic ...
How to create a positive work environment
First a disclaimer: this headline is not suggesting your workplace isn't a positive place already.
Bipartisan compromise on Renewable Energy 'in sight' if Abbott acts
Australian Workers' Union National Secretary Scott McDine has urged Prime Minister Tony Abbott to listen to the views of his backbench and exempt aluminium smelting from the Renewable ...
Property Council welcomes reduction in energy efficiency red tape
The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the passage through the Federal Parliament of a long overdue legislative amendment to streamline the disclosure of energy performance ...
Productivity lift needed to 'protect living standards'
Lifting productivity must become a priority in 2015 or gains in our standard of living could be significantly eroded as the terms of trade continue to decline and our population ...
'Not time to panic' over volatile unemployment numbers
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) January Labour Force numbers have seen a decline in full time jobs and an increase in part time jobs that was to be expected, according to ...
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