Electronic Components Feature Articles

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Aust researchers successfully make new 'supermaterial'
From smaller, faster computer chips to more practical and efficient solar cells through to improvements in medical technologies and vehicle and aircraft parts silicene, a two-dimensional ...
Slow end to sluggish year for manufacturing: Australian PMI
The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ended 2013 where it was for most of the year - in negative territory.
Securing Australia's manufacturing future
Australia has a strong manufacturing history and will have a strong manufacturing future, according to Minister for Industry Ian Macfarlane and the Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Mining in 2014: is the boom really over?
It's been one of the most often posed questions in industry circles in 2013, with industry, government, media, analysts and lobbyists failing to reach consensus – is Australia's ...
Holden departure 'no surprise'
Innovation leading to differentiated products is the key to ensuring a viable industry, Charles Sturt University (CSU) Professor of Economics Kishor Sharma has said, as state and ...
Flying the flag: Australia 10th in World's Most Valuable Nation Brands
Australia has moved up to tenth position in the Nation Brand 2013 Study by leading brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance, with its Brand Value growing to US$1.257 billion.
Christmas shoppers encouraged to celebrate local products, produce
The Australian Made Campaign is urging shoppers seeking out local products and produce this Christmas to look for the Australian Made, Australian Grown logo.
Transforming local manufacturing with light
The University of Adelaide will be working with local manufacturers to help them take advantage of emerging laser, sensor and other light-based technologies to transform their ...
A quantum leap for quantum computing
A University of Sydney researcher's proposal has led to a new world record for the largest quantum 'circuit board' ever produced — an essential component for a quantum computer made ...
Future electronics 'faster, lighter' with tiny lasers
Faster, smaller electronics are one step closer with researchers from The Australian National University successfully making the first room-temperature lasers from gallium arsenide ...
Gas producers working with manufacturers 'could' be win-win
Australia's gas market could be made more efficient with input from the competition watchdog and with sensible regulation from the government, according to the Plastics & Chemicals ...
Carbon tax must go: industry
Groups representing small, medium and large businesses across all sectors are calling on the parliament to avoid costly delay in the repeal of the carbon tax.
Tax, industrial relations reforms will optimise prosperity: report
A National Productivity Policy (NPP) to review government regulation, pricing and licensing arrangements and phase out industry subsidies must be established, according to the ...
Research into workplace LLN levels reveals "disturbing" picture
New research into levels of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) in the workplace has revealed a "disturbing" picture, Innes Willox, AiGroup chief executive has said in a recent ...
Manufacturing reaches for recovery in October: Australian PMI
The manufacturing sector reached for recovery in October with the latest seasonally adjusted Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI) ...
What Australia manufactures
Food and beverages, wood and paper products, chemicals, rubber, plastics, metal products, machinery and equipment, cars and boats, railway equipment, medical and scientific equipment, ...
Carbon trading scheme 'inevitable'
Australia will need to have a carbon trading scheme, regardless of the current federal government's position, if it is to reduce carbon emissions to the levels it has stated, according ...
Single layer capacitor 'breakthrough' for electronics sector
The smallest electronic gadgets in the world could soon shrink even more thanks to research from the ANU Research School of Chemistry.
Photons 'on demand' now possible
A breakthrough in photonics which will help create extremely compact optical chips, a hair's width in size and delivering a photon at a time, has been achieved by researchers from ...
China's carbon shift 'will send strong signal the world over': expert
As Australia moves to scrap its pioneering carbon-pricing scheme, China is expected to have seven pilot pricing systems in place no later than 2015, followed by a national scheme, ...
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