Smooth running basic type iron powder hydrogen controlled electrode used for all positional welding except vertical down. This electrode is used where the highest standards are required. Weld features include high ductility, x-ray quality and sub zero temperature impact to -50°C.
Typical Applications
For critical welding applications including repair and maintenance of heavy plate and highly restrained work pieces such as penstocks, turbines, pressure vessels, heavy girders, earth moving plants etc.
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Smooth running basic type iron powder hydrogen controlled electrode used for all positional welding except vertical down. This electrode is used where the highest standards are required. Weld features include high ductility, x-ray quality and sub zero temperature impact to -50°C.
Typical Applications
For critical welding applications including repair and maintenance of heavy plate and highly restrained work pieces such as penstocks, turbines, pressure vessels, heavy girders, earth moving plants etc.