AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor
The AC Mains Regulator and Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor has an input of 180 - 260 Volts 50/60 Hz.
46 Recent ViewsIn Stock
Model 6860
Stepless A.C. Mains regulator and transient voltage surge suppressor. This gear plate mounting mains regulator utilises a motor driven variable auto transformer and a series TVSS to give power from widely varying input mains. Particularly suitable for situations when nominal supply changes from 240 V A.C. to 230 V A.C.
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Model 6860
Stepless A.C. Mains regulator and transient voltage surge suppressor. This gear plate mounting mains regulator utilises a motor driven variable auto transformer and a series TVSS to give power from widely varying input mains. Particularly suitable for situations when nominal supply changes from 240 V A.C. to 230 V A.C.
Distribution: Australia, New Zealand, USA, Worldwide
Location: Bayswater , VIC
Customers: Sydney Water, Schneider, Wilson Transformers, ANCA
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Sydney Water, Schneider, Wilson Transformers, ANCA